“If you light a lamp for somebody,
it will also brighten your path.”
help someone who is needy, we need a heart that contains empathy. And such a
heart, normally, wants to stay anonymous. The moment the heart feels the need
to broadcast about the help just done, the help ceases to be a genuine act of giving.
I know of this middle-aged
man, who, always, pays the school/college fees of two/three needy students,
every year. He has been doing it for years, and quietly. As Jesus said, this
Good Samaritan gives with his right hand without his left hand coming to know
about it…
This morning,
the gentleman reached out to two needy college students by paying their full
year’s fees. Not a soul, other than he and me, came to know about it…
Why do we do
such quiet acts of kindness towards the needy?
This man is an ordinary
man with an extraordinary heart. He knows, that he cannot solve the poverty of
this world… that he cannot reach out to each and every needy kid around him.
That’s exactly how any other person, who wants to help the needy, would feel.
It’s an overwhelming feeling; often, it can make us cynical… “What difference
would my little act of help make? There are so many needy people out there!”
Yes, there are
so many needy kids out there… Our small acts of helping just a kid or two may
not solve every kid’s problem; but, it can, certainly, solve the problem of
that one kid, who we choose to help…
The man, who
chose to pick these two poor kids, reminded me of the old story of starfish…
It was a hot summer-day. A man was
walking along a beach. The water had receded as it was low tide at the sea… Thousands
of starfish were found lying on the hot bed of the sea… The man bent down, picked a starfish, took a few
steps towards the water, and gently hurled the starfish into the sea… He came
back, did the same to another starfish… and when that done, he did it with
another, and another…
amused stranger, who was watching this, asked: “What difference does it make?
Look, there are thousands of them lying there.”
man bent down to pick up one more starfish, took a few steps towards the water,
gently tossed it into the sea, and said with a smile: ‘It does make a
difference to this one, my friend.”
as Buddha said, the reason why we light a lamp for somebody is the brighten our
own path… What else could be the reason for a man of ordinary means to reach
out with his extraordinary heart?
Pic’s: Pixabay
Video: Surf Excel