W hat is happening in Kashmir concerns me… The menace of terrorism concerns me… The attack on our soldiers in Uri and the consequent surgical strike by the Indian Army on terror camps across the Line of Control really concerns me… But, then, how much can I do about these events? Well, as an Indian, I can’t be indifferent and insensitive to matters concerning my county… I must read and listen to the news… I must wonder… feel anxious… fear and worry when times are bad… feel elated and jubilant when times are good… But, then, if I keep focusing on this area – which Stephen Covey famously called our ‘Circle of Concern’ - the Circle which is not within our immediate and direct control - Yes, what happens if we focus too much on such events and calamities (negative energy) is: we become more and more reactive people… and our Circle of Concern expands, while tour ‘Circle of our Influence’ – which contains those eve...