“Anxiety doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.” Charles Spurgeon W e all need reminders every night when we go to bed… that, despite all our problems, there is something we need to thank God for… that, our problems are very small compared to so many in this world who go to bed with every night… Yes, we all forget to look at the blessings of God and only end up getting overwhelmed by our problems. ‘Thank you God’ doesn’t come to us easily… ‘Why me?’ … ‘Poor me’… yes, these complaints always come easily. L ast night, when I was about to retire, I happened to see two things… One was the report of my routine blood and other tests. Well, just as my students and their parents get anxious on receiving those unpleasant remarks in the progress report, some of the remarks in my lab-report weren’t pleasant… The anxiety was slowly coming over me… Many unnecessary thoughts, to be precise… “What if that happens, this happens?”… and s...