Pic.: Sunitha Sujir
offers choices at every step along my journey. Right when I open my eyes ,
every morning, I have this choice to make: to wear a smile on my face and feel grateful
in my heart or to wear a grim look on my face and feel bitter and lost in my
There are a dozen things around me, at any given point of time, for
which I must wear a smile on my face and feel grateful in my heart… Yes, that
choice is offered before me right as I open my eyes, every morning.
I am conscious of the thoughts dominating my mind almost all the time…
There are thoughts of fear, anxiety, hurt and anger on the one side… and, there
are thoughts of faith, confidence, forbearance and peace on the other side.
“The world is full of harshness… Don’t trust,” says one side. “The world is
full of innocence… Please trust,” says the other side. I am conscious of what
happens when I choose to listen to one of these two voices…
Like Robert Frost, I, too, see before me two roads diverging in two
different directions… One of them more traveled, the other less traveled… Is
there more harshness in this world or is there more innocence? Are there more
number of untrustworthy people out there or are there more number of
trustworthy ones? Need I step out of my door wearing a protective shield or
need I do it with my open arms?
“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I took the one less traveled by…
And that has made all the difference.”
Yes, like the Poet, this is what you and I, too, will be telling with a
sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence.