“The best security is invisible.”
Bruce Schneier
Feb., 1991, I was 32 and still single. Though I was at the peak of my career,
and though I taught my students ‘Commerce’ subjects, I was poor in managing my
own finances. I had started The Dawn Club barely two years earlier, and I spent
my earnings gladly on activities, which others would chide as unprofitable and
I still remember
the face, though not the name, of this
particular T.Y. B. Com student of mine. One day, after the class, he approached me and
pleaded: “Sir, I have just become a LIC agent… Please take a small policy to
help me complete my minimum target.”
The young boy
made me buy this ‘Jeevan Dhara’ policy with an annual premium of Rs. 3,000. I had to
pay it for 17 years. At the end of its term, I had the option to withdraw the ‘Give
Amount’ (approx. 1,45,500) or opt for a monthly pension of Rs, 1,455 for my
entire life. I opted for monthly pension… which came to a savings account I had
opened with New India Co-operative Bank. I opened a Recurring Deposit account
with this bank with a monthly deposit of Rs. 4,000, which would become around
1,17,000 or so in some 27-28 months… The bank, being a poor man’s bank, proudly
called this scheme as ‘Lakhpati Account’. For the last 16 years, my
humble monthly premium, with a little addition from myside, put into RD Lakhpati
scheme, continued … Every 27-28 months, I used this maturity amount for a short
family vacation or some family function etc. The present edition with this bank
would have made me a Lakhpati, once again, on coming April-Fool day. But,
as you must have guessed it by now, the Bank has plunged into a deep trouble
and RBI has barred it from all further activities. This means, I have to wait
and watch, whether my lakh will come back to me or not… When, how much etc.,
the more I asked, I would lose my sleep…
I would rather abide
by the good-ole Zen advice: “If it comes back, it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it never
So much for the
security - those chhoti si ashas of people like you and me - you see…
My student, who
made me buy his first policy, I am sure, must have gone places. I don’t know,
whether he had put a lot of his money in share market… Well, there has been a
bloodbath there at the Dalal Street, I heard…
I am not
affected, directly though, by the bloodbath at the Dalal Street. Nor am I
directly affected by these bizarre things Donald Trump is presently doing, from
the sunrise to the sunset, every day…
But, yesterday, when
I saw the tense showdown between him and Ukrainian President, while the whole
world watched, one thing I was sure of:
All the money in the world, all the arsenal at your disposal, and every visible
‘safety thing’ under your belt – yes, they can never give you the feeling of true
safety and security in life…
The sense of power,
that the President of the mightiest nation derived, sitting there in the Oval
office – yes, it’s just an illusion…
Banks collapse…
Nations collapse… All visible things do… While you feel the quiet presence of
security within – regardless of the ups and downs – the rises and falls – of the
illusionary stuff of the world around…
Pic’s: pixabay/ 1. desdelafe.mx.
Video: Justh