Pic.: Nicole Gubin
“He who has not
Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”
Christmas to you,” a friend of mine wished me today, “in advance.”
“Right in time, not in advance,” I said spontaneously
to my friend, “Thank-you so much and wish you the same.”
My friend, though was puzzled a bit on my unusual
response, “seemed to have gotten the meaning quickly.”
Why do we wait for the Christmas to come on 25th
December? Why do we wait to celebrate… attend the midnight-mass wearing our
X’Mas best? Why can’t this day be a Christmas day? Why can’t this day be a day
of Christmas-mass and celebration? Why can’t every star in the sky be the star
of Bethlehem? Why can’t the sweets and wine, the hugs and kisses… why can’t the
jingle-bells, silver-snow and reindeers … the Santa, yes, why can’t all of
these be the part of my daily life?
Why don’t I feel the presence of baby Jesus every day?
Why should sweets, cakes and wine be prepared and
preserved only for the 25th?
Am I feeling the warmth of Christmas as I prepare… as
I wait? Or, am I only waiting this to happen on the 25th?
The Christs and Krishnas are seldom recognized when
they are here around us. When they are around us, we abuse them, ridicule them,
stone them… nail them to the cross. And, when they are gone, we need a ‘special
day’ to remember them, glorify them… We celebrate the Christs and Krishnas only
when they aren’t there amidst us!
“Right in time, not in advance, my friend… Today is Christmas
day, thank-you… and wish you the same.”