Pic.: Khushboo Gulrajani
Years ago, when I had decided to do something about my poor
English, one of the things I did – and found it very useful – was telling
a nice story in two tenses… Past and Present. Over the years, I have helped
hundreds of people who were earnest to improve their English with the same
method… Yes, write a nice story down in both the tenses… and tell it to
Whenever frustration drives
me crazy and to the edge, I think of these little rabbits, frogs and toads and
tell myself: ‘Let me go back and live.’
Once, all
the rabbits in a jungle got fed-up with life. Fed-up of being hounded by everyone
around – right from a dog to a wolf. “What kind of life is this… if living
means only to become a lunch or a supper for someone stronger than we are?”
they began to grumble.
So, the frustrated rabbits
called for an emergency meeting to discuss the steps to be taken. “There is no
hope for us… No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to live happily in
this jungle,” they all came to a conclusion. Finally, one of them suggested
that they all should march towards the nearby lake and jump together into it…
and, there would go, once and for all, all their woes!
Suddenly, there was a new
hope in the air! The rabbits did not wait any longer to end their problems… So,
they all hurried in the direction of the lake. There, around the edge of the
lake, the frogs and the toads had been merrily spending their time croaking
with a happy melody. When they heard the commotion of hares come charging
towards them, the little-ones got panicked and they began to throw themselves
into the deep lake, causing a massive splash!
“What a sight!” the rabbits exclaimed,
unable to believe what they were witnessing, “These creatures are
even more frightened and hopeless than we are!”
“Whose idea was it to come
here?” the eldest of the hares shouted, “Frogs and toads are tired of us as
much as we are tired of dogs and wolves… Jumping into the lake can never make
us happy… Therefore, let’s go back and live!”
Once, all
the rabbits in a jungle get fed-up with life. Fed-up of being hounded by everyone
around – right from a dog to a wolf. “What kind of life is this… if living
means only to become a lunch or a supper for someone stronger than we are?”
they begin to grumble.
So, the frustrated rabbits
call for an emergency meeting to discuss the steps to be taken. “There is no
hope for us… No matter how hard we try, we will not be able to live happily in
this jungle,” they all come to a conclusion. Finally, one of them suggests that
they all shall march towards the nearby lake and jump together into it… and,
there will go, once and for all, all their woes!
Suddenly, there is a new hope
in the air! The rabbits do not wait any longer to end their problems… So, they
all hurry in the direction of the lake. There, around the edge of the lake, the
frogs and the toads have been merrily spending their time croaking with a happy
melody. When they hear the commotion of hares come charging towards them, the
little-ones get panicked and they begin to throw themselves into the deep lake,
causing a massive splash!
“What a sight!” the rabbits exclaim, unable
to believe what they are witnessing, “These creatures are even more
frightened and hopeless than we are!”
“Whose idea was it to come
here?” the eldest of the hares shouts, “Frogs and toads are tired of us as much
as we are tired of dogs and wolves… Jumping into the lake can never make us
happy… Therefore, let’s go back and live!”