“When you are crazy, you learn to keep quiet.” Philip K. Dick W e cannot survive without breathing. But, you see, breathing happens without our interference. God has been so kind, so generous and, I would say, so forgiving, that He has extended this mercy to each soul, in each corner of this world… A homeless man and a man who lives in a mansion, both, are equally privileged when it comes to this mercy from God. Breathing is just there… It’s happening. So, if you, I and everyone has taken it for granted, it shouldn’t surprise us at all. Everything that God has given us ‘free’ in life… are we not taking it for granted? That’s why, whenever we pause to observe our breath… or whenever we battle for each breath, yes, that’s when we realize what a precious gift each breath has been! A conscious pause, therefore, is crucial to make us connect to our breath, and, thereby, to the benevolent Creator Who makes the breathing happen... “I need to write ev...