“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Theodore Roosevelt I have been in the field of ‘education’ since the age of 17-18. That’s the time – when I was a F.Y. B.Com student, I had started teaching my friends the subject of Accountancy… Not because I wanted to earn some income (which was badly needed at home)… I was teaching for two reasons… One: It helped me feel good about what I was doing (It was helping me feel worthwhile, self-confident)… Two: I was helping my friends, who needed help in that subject… Was it not the ‘right thing to do’? The ‘right things’, which we choose to do in our daily lives, are seldom the things ‘agreed upon’ between us… In other words, they are not expected to be performed by us… They are performed by us, because, in the heart of our hearts, we know, that they are the ‘right things to do’… Those actions are more guided by our heart, the conscience… and our heads have no role to play there… L ...