“Kaise kaise ko diya hai… Aise vaiso ko diya hai

Mujh ko bhi toh lift karade… Thodi si toh lift karade”

From Adnan Sami’s song, ‘Lift Karade’


Well, I do not know about you. But, the only times I heard or used the word ‘Viral’ was when there was an ordinary fever – the fever in the air, caused by some ordinary virus. For major fevers like Malaria, Typhoid etc., one never used that term…

That was before the internet boom… Before FB, Instagram, YouTube and the like came up to spread this digital virus – so fast, so far, that people like me started wondering as Adnan Sami did…

“Kaise kaise ko diya hai… Aise vaiso ko diya hai

Mujh ko bhi toh lift karade… Thodi si toh lift karade”

“Going viral isn’t random, magic or luck… It’s a science,” says Johah Berger. So, in the school/college curriculum, it’s time, they added this new science – ‘Science of going Viral’!

Adnan Sami was a visionary writer and singer… Just listen to his lyrics and the song. Remember, he did it before this new internet virus started spreading fast and far…

And, also, imagine, how universal is the hunger to become famous, and worship the famous! How universal is this obsession to get fame fast, spread far!

I don’t know, what more is there in store for all of us, just a few years down the line…

A dear ex-student of mine, Nisha, says, she became quite a loved and popular teacher because of me. Isn’t it enough to intoxicate my heart? Her hubby, Sachin, started reading my Blogs and admiring them (and, of course, their author). I have never met Sachin at all… But, for close to fifteen years, he has been making for me, every year, at least 2 or 3 beautiful T-shirts... He is into that business. Yesterday, he sent another one – Such a beautiful one!

There was another gift hamper from Sonal, another dear ex-student of mine. It’s dropped at my place with a touching note from her just married daughter Maanvi and her groom Varun. The hamper had an amazing Christmas pudding (from London) and several other lovely goodies…

And, the cherry on the pudding arrived just this morning… Sunitha, one more dear-old student, now based in Chennai. She, always, tells me, that she regularly reads and loves my blogs… “But, I don’t like to comment… I like to tell you in your ears.” Today, after reading my last post, she said to me ‘in my ears’, this:

Loved both the messages… There are no Google Maps in Life…

Over attention to details is very energy-draining.”

Did I wish, Sunitha said it with a loudspeaker, so that it would go viral? Or, was there a desire in me to tell the world about the gifts Sachin or Sonal sent out of affection?

Perhaps, duffers like me will never pass the exam of this subject -  ‘Viral Science’…

Meanwhile, Dolly Chaiwala has passed it with distinction! Apparently, according to my gaonwalas, he is a rage in my hometown, Mangalore, where currently Dr. Chaiwala is being celebrated, emulated and worshipped…

(Note: This news video is in Kannada… I am sure, you will understand the language  even if you don’t know kannada, just the way Dr. Dolly understood  my gaon ka languages – Kannada, Tulu, Konkani, Bari, English… Hindi toh usko aathi hai ji )

Need I sing the Adnan Sami song, now…

“Kaise kaise ko diya hai… Aise vaiso ko diya hai

Mujh ko bhi toh lift karade… Thodi si toh lift karade”


Hope I am not wondering…



Pic’s: Pixabay

Video: 1. SonyM  2. Vartha Bharati



sonal chopra said…
Beautiful sir you deserve it all this shows that your good deeds too can lift you ..n. you are a wonderful teacher who dosent just impart knowledge but good values too which we have learnt n hope to pass this through our children . It has lifted up good thoughts in do many people's life

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