“Running a marathon
with a backpack is tough
and may hinder you
from winning the race.
Don’t let the
baggage of your past - heavy with fear,
guilt and anger – slow you down.”
Maddy Malhotra
is a couple I know. They are in their mid-seventies. Everyone who knows them
says, that they never fight, never even argue… The husband, particularly. Well,
because several people say that, including the grown-up children of this couple,
I have to swallow my doubt about it.
I am compelled
to believe, that there is a sizable number of humans on this planet, who behave
gently even when things don’t go right in their lives…
I said, “When
things don’t go right in their lives”… Didn’t I?
When things go right
– when we are not challenged – it’s easy for all of us to behave gently – speak
gently and act gently… That’s easy.
But, when our
chips are down – when things don’t go the way we want them to – yes, that’s when our character
is tested… Remember the saying, “Character is who we are in the dark”?
‘dark’ moments are the moments when we are faced with our problems, confusions,
anxieties, fears, guilts, sorrows, regrets, trust deficit and frustrations…
That’s when we are under emotional stress…
Most of us wear
these two faces as we go about our lives. Yes, like the elephant going about
its life, with two sets of teeth: One to eat, the other to exhibit…
I seriously
think, the vast majority in this world is like the elephant. Let me confess: I
belong to this vast majority…
I am quite good
in exhibiting calmness before the world. But, I have a long way to experience
the same calmness inside. When I say this, I do not feel horrible, or weak, about
myself… On the contrary, I feel ‘okay’ about myself… (Not saying ‘Strong’, with
all honesty).
And, yes, I
wonder, how can a couple stay married, have married children, and go on till
they are ripe – yes, without fighting, and not getting into heated arguments!
Blessed are such
couples… For, the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them…
And, what about the
rest of us? Where do we belong?
I don’t know, if
the place where most us belong can be called ‘Hell’..
Franklin said, “Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.”
Yes, I have
experienced it enough…
And, the old African
saying tells: “For news of the heart, ask the face.”
I have seen my
face, often… I have heard the news of my heart, often…
The news isn’t
good, often… Yes, I know…
Am I justifying?
No Sir, I am not…
Pic’s: Pixabay
Video: Gaur Gopal Das