Pic.: Anand Ashokan

 “Money, fame and glory are just by-products of your work.

True happiness does not depend on these as they are not long-lasting.

The pursuit of excellence in the work you do 

is the main source of true happiness.

Yet, money will come to you in floods 

if you thirst for excellence in your work…

Give it back to the world… It will only multiply.”

If your work is very good, and if you know how to sell it well, it means you know how to earn money in life…

And, frankly, that much ‘know-how’ is enough for you to make a decent, dignified living in this world…

Let your focus be on the quality of your work – the product or the service that you sell – and, let your focus be on how efficiently you sell it to the world. Yes, let your focus be not on money, fame and glory. For, they are just the by-products of your work…

When you keep your focus on constantly improving the quality of your work – the product or the service that you sell… and, when you constantly focus on improving the selling skills… yes, when you remain uncompromisingly faithful to these basics, the money, fame and glory are bound to follow…

In Life, nobody has earned ‘enough’ money to be happy… never, ever… One has only learnt to say ‘enough’!

Money, fame and glory are inherently temporary, not long-lasting. So, if you expect money to make you happy in life, you are in for frustration…

The idea of happiness through money is a mirage. An illusion!

Leave money and fame alone, dear… Concentrate on improving the quality of your work, on improving your human-relations skills… be trustworthy, be dependable, be incredibly productive and resourceful in life; and above all, keep your life simple, uncomplicated… Refuse to be lured by the mirage, the illusion … the lie!

And, yes, don’t ever try to keep up with the Joneses. Leave them alone!

Money will flow on its own, 

and it will flow in abundance… 

Fame and name, too…

The wise have, always, told us, “Our security in life does not depend on the size of our bank balance… It depends on the wisdom that we can do without it!”

The more you focus on creating good work and selling it well, and the less you define your success, happiness and security in life by the money and fame you earn – yes, the better for you…

The saner, too!

And, yes dear, remember this: When money comes to you, keep your share. The rest you give it back to the world… Trust, it will only multiply!



In the early 80’s, as a stranger and a struggling young-man in this big city of Mumbai (then Bombay), I was filled with self-doubts and fears. My self-confidence level was at its lowest pit, and I was gripped with anxiety about my future. It was during these harrowing times, I had found on the roadside an old copy of Dr. Napoleon Hill’s inspirational classic – ‘Think & Grow Rich’… 

My life was destined to change, immediately!

I have been so influenced by Dr. Napoleon Hill’s ‘Success philosophy’ - particularly his famous line: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” - that it would be impossible for me to shed off this influence all my life.

So, as a young-teacher in his twenties, when I had scribbled those passages in the little booklet ‘THE DAWN’, they loudly – and proudly - echoed the core tenets of Dr. Hill’s life-lessons. What he had assimilated from the lives of scores of successful people and passed on to us, I was now trying to do, in my own way, to my students…

With my deepest humility and reverence, I dedicate this book ‘THE ECHOES OF THE DAWN’ - to the one who made me ‘Stand up’ in life…Dr. Napoleon Hill.


Pinky Prabhu said…
Always motivating. Thanks you for the daily motivation sir.
-- Pinky Prabhu
Anonymous said…
Touched me, inspired me. Thanks a ton.
---Reeta Menon
Vivek Suvarna said…
Great insights!.... Vivek Suvarna
Anonymous said…
Money and fame are in deed incidental outcomes of our good work. Insightful post. Umesh Rao
Priya R. said…
Agree with you sir, money and name are simply products of our work.
== Priya R
Suresh Kadam said…
Keep writing Gerry. you always inspire.... Suresh Kadam

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