Pic.:Manoj Nair

“On this earth, nothing is permanent.

Money, fame and success –

you have to leave everything here, when you go.

So, have your share of humor and laughter on this earth,

In fact, your mental and physical health

depends on your sense of humor to a great extent.”

No matter how much you accumulate in your life – money, fame and success – you are supposed to leave it all… here on this earth.

Yes, you have come with nothing, and you will go with nothing… This plain truth has stared hard at paupers and emperors alike, all through the ages… They all came here with their empty hands, and they all went from here with their empty hands…

The rest – how much wealth they accumulated, how much fame, success and power they wielded – yes, all these had to be just a ‘fairy tale’!

In life, if the money that you make and the fame and success that you achieve should have a true meaning, they have to be ‘enjoyed’ in their true sense, not only by you, but also by people who have helped you achieve them… Your success and wealth should give you a true sense of accomplishment… They should enrich lives of people who are around you… and, those who will follow.

Yes, unless, through your wealth, fame and success, you are able to leave an enduring, enriching, empowering legacy behind… they are worthless. They are not worth seeking in life…

Your joy in life comes from simple things… and, one of them is the ability of your heart to be light… to laugh…

Life becomes complicated when you take it too seriously… When you don’t laugh at yourself… when you don’t laugh at your blunders… when you ‘stress it out and sweat it out… and swear it out’!

Dear, Life is too short to do be too serious… 

Laugh it out… Laugh a lot… 

You will live long, hale and healthy.

By the by, is that not your real wealth in life?



In the early 80’s, as a stranger and a struggling young-man in this big city of Mumbai (then Bombay), I was filled with self-doubts and fears. My self-confidence level was at its lowest pit, and I was gripped with anxiety about my future. It was during these harrowing times, I had found on the roadside an old copy of Dr. Napoleon Hill’s inspirational classic – ‘Think & Grow Rich’… 

My life was destined to change, immediately!

I have been so influenced by Dr. Napoleon Hill’s ‘Success philosophy’ - particularly his famous line: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” - that it would be impossible for me to shed off this influence all my life.

So, as a young-teacher in his twenties, when I had scribbled those passages in the little booklet ‘THE DAWN’, they loudly – and proudly - echoed the core tenets of Dr. Hill’s life-lessons. What he had assimilated from the lives of scores of successful people and passed on to us, I was now trying to do, in my own way, to my students…

With my deepest humility and reverence, I dedicate this book ‘THE ECHOES OF THE DAWN’ - to the one who made me ‘Stand up’ in life…Dr. Napoleon Hill.


Minal Sharma said…
Stressing, sweating and swearing... LOL!!! Minal Sharma
Sheena D'Sa said…
Laughing at our blunders lengthens our lives - Sheena
Akshay Pahuja said…
Laughter can do away our wrinkles - Akshay
Anonymous said…
Laugh it out and laugh it loud! Neelam

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