Pic.: Pradeep Nanda
My wife
was telling me, this morning, about something nice she had read yesterday. It
was an extract from a Japanese author’s book which had appealed to a vast
audience in the West, particularly in the US. My wife told me, that the book
was about how to keep one’s wardrobe neat and tidy (An American closet can be
as large as an Indian bedroom!). And, if one kept dumping in such a wardrobe all
sorts of stuff, you can imagine what a colossal dumping-yard the wardrobe would
look like!
So, apparently, this Eastern author had shared some simple tips through
which one could keep the closet free of clutter… neat and tidy. What had
appealed to my wife, when she had read about it, yesterday, was this simple, yet
profound, tip:
“What brings you joy, keep it… What doesn’t, give it away.”
I do not know why my wife remembered, after so many years – and of all
the things we had stuffed and unstuffed in our wardrobe – that cute-little
sweater of our son. When my wife was expecting our son, her granny’s elder
sister – we fondly called her Lilly aunty – had so lovingly and so patiently
hand-made this cute-little sweater for her would be great-grand nephew or niece
… That’s how Lilly aunty would greet all her great-grand little-ones… She
would put all her love and affection and embark upon her grand mission: a
lovely sweater for her beloved little-one who was expected to arrive soon…
Lilly aunty was weak and frail, her eyesight was poor… Yet, amidst her all
other household chores, she would take away time and work patiently and
diligently on the sweater… a little bit, every day… and, by the time her great-grand-little-one would arrive, she
would be ready to greet him/her with the pretty-little present… It would take for
her months… But, aunty would engage in her labor of love not just for our son,
but for all her great-grand nephews and nieces… She continued to do it till she
passed away, some years ago!
“So cute our son looked in aunty’s sweater,” my wife recalled this
morning, “He wore it till he was three!”
When our son had outgrown Lilly aunty’s sweater, we had given it away to
our maid servant’s little-baby… The sweater had given us great amount of joy…
and, yet, we had given it away… Perhaps, we had found more joy in seeing it on
our maid’s baby than in seeing it lying unused in our closet…
As my
wife was describing to me about the Japanese author’s tips, my mind went back
to those innocent – yet beautiful – cards our little-son would painstakingly
sketch for his parents on their b’days and proudly, with sparkles in his eyes,
would present early in the morning to say “Happy b’day daddy” or “Happy b’day
“I wish we could keep all those cards,” I was thinking aloud, “They had
made us so joyful!”
“What beings you joy, keep it… What doesn’t, give it away.” There,
certainly, is great wisdom in this simple tip…
But, in life, some things can be so beautiful – and make us even more
joyful – when we outgrow the joyful experience they bring forth…