“I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance.”

-     e. e. cummings 

I find it very amusing! Many parents come to me or call me to enquire about our ‘Personality Development’ programme. It’s for their little kids or for their young ones… “What’s that you teach them in this programme?” “Who are the teachers (trainers)?” “What’s the duration?” “Will there be any visible change in the kid/young one?” Etc, Etc, Etc…

I answer none of these questions. To me, they seem too insignificant, even naive. Instead, I tell them about these: Why I started these activities, three decades ago, despite the fact that I myself had never, ever been to any such programmes… Why a dozen brilliant teachers/trainers volunteer to offer their expertise in carrying out this programme… Why, so often, parents, too, end up sitting with their kids and find it so enriching… Why there cannot be a ‘syllabus’ for Personality Development’… Why there cannot be one universal approach… Why number of sessions do not really matter but the quality of one’s involvement does. I tell them, that even if they sit under ‘the Bodhi Tree’ for 12 long years, there is no guarantee that they will become ‘the Buddhas’… Because, they will become ‘the Buddhas’ only in a flash!

Do they understand my words – this ‘off-beat’ explanation?

Fortunately, many do.

In last one week, I must have had conversations with parents of at least a dozen young ones. They come to me accompanied by their young ones. Yes, it starts with the same old questions and apprehensions. Kids and young ones are, often, reluctant to do it and parents are, often, anxious that it is something very, very important. I spend a lot of time discussing these issues with the parents as well as the young ones… I tell them clearly and most sincerely, that even if the young one attends a hundred programmes like the one they have come for, the change – ‘the Buddha experience’ – can happen only when the Siddharthas are ready!

“The course has already begun, sweet heart,” I told Paurush, two days ago. The 15-year-old and his parents had come to me to ‘discuss’. We had discussed for more than thirty minutes; and, during this period, I had touched upon so many things about life, attitude and development of personality. So, I was reminding Paurush and his parents: “Why are we not recognizing the lessons that Life offers us right now, right here?” “Why are we waiting for the stars to dance in the sky?” “Why are we not able to hear the amazing song the little bird sings right here, right now?”… Yes, I reminded Paurush, “Sweetheart, remain awake… the course has already begun!”

“We cannot teach people anything,” said Galileo Galilei, “we can only help them discover it within themselves.”   

One early morning, many years ago, I had been to one of my friend’s house to find a way out of my own problem. A particular problem was weighing upon my mind heavily and I was passing through some sleepless nights. So, that early morning, I was there at my friend’s place to unburden myself and, as I said, to find a quick way out of my pain…

My friend, after hearing me out patiently, and with empathy, for nearly an hour, played on his computer a small story…

A man was watching a butterfly coming out of its cocoon… It was a slow process… The man was unable to see the struggle, the pain, and, in his eagerness to help the butterfly to come out faster with less pain, he helped it with a pair of scissors. With this, the butterfly did come out faster and with less pain… But, crippled, it couldn’t fly for the rest of its life!

My friend, with his eagerness to help me, did not want to cripple me for my life… He wanted me to go through my ‘natural process of growth’ and be able to fly gloriously for the rest of my life…

Why is this obsession in us, this anxiety, to bring out butterflies faster? Let the stars dance in the skies and let the birds sing in the woods… And, let our hearts remain awake when they do…

“Sweetheart, the course has already begun!”


Pic.: Anil Bedi

Video: Lessons Taught By Life


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