“A thousand sorrows prepares a man to preach.”

John Piper


I think, one of the most misunderstood – and misused – interpretations of the teachings of Christianity is this: Jesus died for us… He was sent down by His Father, The God, to redeem us from our sins… So, He is our Redeemer, the Salvador, the Saviour and so on…

How nicely, we have washed our hands of our sins and responsibilities! How nicely we have used Jesus as our cross-bearer! What a flawed logic: We are the sinners; but, He has to carry the cross… We are the criminals; but, He has to be nailed on the cross!

I can’t swallow this teaching, Sir!

Each one of us, here on this earth, is supposed to carry our own personal cross. Yes, God or His Son will come to our help only when we perform our personal responsibilities. “God saves only those who help themselves.” Why on earth, do you think, that this old proverb still floats around?

So, if I wake up to my personal responsibility towards my life, the teaching, that the Son of God was sent to save me, somewhat, makes sense to me… Not, till I am ready or willing to bear my own cross!

Ask any human on this earth, who has readily borne his/her cross, he/she will tell you, that the strength has come from the Son of God…

So much for our misplaced belief in our Saviour!

We become the li’l cross-bearers of others when we feel others’ pain and don’t look the other way. This is a everyday challenge for each one of us: While each one of us has to carry our personal cross, we can, ‘at times’, may offer a small helping-hand…

Did I say ‘at times’?

Jesus tells us the Parable of Good Sarmatian. In this story, a man was robbed, beaten and left to die along the lonely road… Two men, who belonged to a high caste and class, pass by showing no sympathy at all… Then, a poor Samaritan (Samaritans were looked down upon as people of lesser standing in the society), who happens to see the wounded man, gets into action… He nurses the man, takes him to a nearby home, and pays some coins to the house-owner to take care of the wounded man… and then proceeds on his journey…

Every time we lend a little helping hand, we become the li’l Christs – the li’l cross-bearers in this society… But, remember, the Good Samaritan, finally, had to proceed on his journey!

And, what about the time our Saviour, Jesus Himself, is beaten, humiliated and left alone with the cross on his shoulders? What about the time, when He falls under its weight? Who will come to His rescue? Will we look the other way or will we stop to be the Good Samaritans?

Veronica, the stranger woman is that Good Samaritan for the wounded and lonely Jesus on His way to Calvary. She feels His pain, rushes to offer Him her Veil (the cloth used to cover her head) and a sip of water. But, again, don’t forget this: The Son of God had to carry His own cross… Veronica could do only so much!

And, that’s how it is when it comes to carrying our personal crosses. The last thing we all should be doing is, simply placing our burdens on the shoulders of our Saviour…

Early this morning, one of my dear readers sent the touching picture, used along the title of this Post, and wondered how would I interpret it…

In my reply, I said, “Ma’am, we need the clean heart of this li’l angel to write an honest piece. The picture speaks volumes for those who have ‘eyes’ but haven’t turned blind, and for those who have hearts, but haven’t turned them into to stones! Will write something, surely.”

Let me interpret it this way: Jesus did not come here to carry our personal crosses. He came here just to remind us – and show by His example – that we have to carry our own… And, when we do that, He will appear to comfort us as a Good Samaritan or a Veronica or a li’l angel!






Videos: 1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

            2. Fredy Solace 


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