Pic.: Madhusudan D. Jeurkar
Like it did to the rest of the world, the terror attack on
the innocent school-children in Peshawar, yesterday, left me numb! Every
possible reactive thought passed through my mind – fear, sadness, dismay,
anger, compassion… yes, I passed through the whole gambit of feelings…
The irony is all this happens in
the name of God and religion... They don’t even spare the innocent children!
The movie Titanic came to my mind...
When it was sinking, the highest of luxury, power and position… all these meant
nothing. Only thing that mattered was: ‘how to survive! What would not go off from
my imagination is that the band playing the famous hymn – ‘Nearer, my God, to Thee’…
The band played it till the very end…
Yes, till the very end, a
reminder to us:
“Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
E’en though it be a cross that raiseth me;
Still all my song would be nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!”
E’en though it be a cross that raiseth me;
Still all my song would be nearer, my God, to Thee,
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!”
Every act of
madness is an act performed in darkness… You and I cannot do anything to stop
such heinous acts. But, invariably, when our anger ends, we experience
How else can we explain it?
We all are God’s little children… Aren't we? Yes, of the same
God, in whose name the cruelty is being carried out… To Him, we all – including
the terrorists - are children!
So, all that I could do, last night, was to remind myself of
my own darkness, my own acts of arrogance and darkness… The terror was just a
symbol, a reminder… The Titanic was just a symbol, a reminder… The imagery of slain
school-children, too, was just a symbol, a reminder…
That, Life is too short to be wasted in arrogance, hatred and
wars… That, there is, certainly, something to take home from the school of
Video: YouTube
Video: YouTube