Pic.: Pushpa Mistry Kamath
I was up early this morning… and, I was in touch with how I was
feeling. Yes, there were these happy and upbeat feelings holding a great promise… “Go, kiss the world,” as the famous line cheered. And, there were, also, these feelings of apprehension, fear and anxiety making me feel a lot heavy inside… “What may happen?”
And, I think, those are
the only two options for everyone around me…
Go kiss the world,
embrace it… Yes, all your happy, sad and mad moments, all your challenges. Make
the most of everything Life brings for you through your day… Trust people - not
everyone is a fox… Befriend your fear - not every fear is dangerous…
Or, look outside and
panic… The world is so dangerous out there, the people are sharks, foxes and
are all waiting to trap you, conspire against you… Don’t trust them… There is
nothing but a big burden and pain in your fear and challenges…
So, here is one more
morning, one more choice to make for me… The world is sleeping, calm and quiet…
My mind is able to see clearly the drama within… I can see more and more
goodness there outside… People don’t appear to me as cunning foxes, nor fear appears
as a deadly ghost, or challenges as a crushing yoke…
I am ready to walk out
of my door with my embracing arms… I am ready to kiss the world.
People are good…
Challenges are good… Life is good.