Pic.: Sheela Krishnamony
“It is not true that people
stop pursuing dreams because they grow old,
they grow old because they
stop pursuing dreams.”
I came
across a statement today: “Disillusionment is the last illusion.”
It took me some time to grasp the
meaning of this sentence…
I am a dreamer… an idealist. I am,
also, a strong optimist. But, all said and done, at the end of the day, when I
see my dreams remain unfulfilled… when I see people around me not as loyal and
committed as wish them to be, when aging – health and money issues – try to intimidate
me, when some people relentlessly try to crush me down, and when I see myself
alone when it comes to fighting many of my battles… yes, that’s the time, I sense
the cloud of disillusionment in my heart…
“What is the point,” I do hear my
heart ask, “If things go this way in my life?”
Bitterness and cynicism walk into our
hearts when we get disillusioned in life…when our ideals turn into
disappointments. That’s the time, we lose faith not only in the world around
us, we, also, lose faith in ourselves. In fact, we first lose faith in ourselves…
and, then, in the world around us.
I have seen this movement in my heart
time and time again. I have, also, found a way to restore this faith, both, in
me and the world around me… I find this ‘way’ when I spend more and more time
in silence… yes, allowing the way to emerge in that silence. Well, call it
meditation or call it contemplation, whatever… It is that quiet rest in my soul…
when all answers are found on their own, when all ‘ways’ are discovered on
their own…
The time to resolve is not when I am
disillusioned… For, disillusionment is the
last illusion… Disillusionment is not ‘true’, not ‘real’…. Instead, the time to
resolve is when the soul is rested… when we have let God to operate within…
That’s why the way found in such
silence is called the ‘divine way’…The way found in disillusionment is ‘my way’!
So, there is nothing wrong with the
people and the world around me. There is something wrong the way I see the
world and the people around me… That’s all… and old truth just to be re
Let me dream… Let me trust… Let me
live. Yes, like a real dreamer and idealist.
Pic.: Sheela Krishnamony