“Being challenged in life is inevitable;

being defeated is optional.”

Roger Crawford


This evening, on my way home, I met a woman. During the peak of second wave of Covid, she had lost her brother and his wife both (who were in their mid-forties) after battling the dreaded disease.  The deaths had taken place within a matter of two-three days… Their only son, aged 20, was studying abroad, and was unable to attend his parents’ funeral. I knew the family quite well, and this thought was always passing through my mind: “What must be the young man’s state of mind?” … “How must he be dealing with this trauma and life-challenge?”

So, when I met the woman, today, for a moment, I didn’t know what to say… I hadn’t met this woman after the unfortunate incident; and, suddenly, when I faced her, I felt it was inappropriate to revive those painful memories. In the meantime, she asked me, “How’s everybody at home? Your in-laws are keeping good health? Are you still working from home?” And so on…

I was relieved of the pressure. After answering all the questions asked by this woman, I found enough courage to ask her, “How’s is your brother’s son? Is he still abroad?”

“Yes, he is still studying abroad,” the woman told me, “He was here for some days, last month.”

“How’s he taken it? Has he been strong enough?” I asked.

“Has there been any option?” the woman calmly asked me, “He cannot continue to live defeated, you see.”

Life is not a theory class, Sir… It’s a long, never-ending practical session!

I ‘write’, every day, about living with zest and grace. But, by all probability, that 20-year-old has been ‘living’ a life of zest and grace. There is no substitute for living such life; there is no option, Sir!


Today is also my friend Ravi’s 50th birthday. Two days ago, his wife, Kiran, had asked me to send a video message to him, so that she could spring a surprise today, during the late-evening celebrations. I did what I was good at: I wrote a beautiful piece for Ravi, pouring all my heart. Ravi has been my dear friend for several years. But, he is so quiet and unassuming, that we hardly find the need to call each other or text to each other, leave alone socialize together. In the long letter, I wrote, how, without his knowledge, Ravi’s friendship  has been enriching my life… I meant every word in that letter. Hope he likes it, when Kiran reads it out to him, tonight…

I arranged to send, to Ravi’s residence, a box of traditional Ukadiche Modak… soft, juicy and delicious, prepared by another friend of mine, Kashish (under her brand name ‘Belinca’)…

“Received it Sir… Full of love,” Kiran wrote, “Lekhin, Bhog Ravi ne nahi, mere Ganpati Bappa Tejbir ne lagaya!”

Every time I see this teenaged son of Ravi and Kiran – Tejbir, I am reminded of adorable Ganapati Bappa!

I was happy, that the Bhog was done with the right hands!


I had concluded the letter to my friend, Ravi, with Emerson’s wise words: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

I truly believe, that they aptly apply to those who are lucky to have lived long enough  to celebrate their golden birthdays and to those who are not lucky enough… What really matters is ‘what lies within us’  -   that attitude of never feeling defeated in life!



Pic’s: pixabay

Video: Sarod Records


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