bone to the dog is not charity.
is the bone shared with the dog…
you are just as hungry as the dog.”
other day, I was telling three of my young nephews, how, in my view, ‘sharing’ was one of the best
ways to feel good about ourselves in life. I was telling them, that ‘feeling
good about ourselves’, also, meant ‘feeling confident’ in life!
What, in my view, ‘sharing’
means? Is there something with all of us, that we can share with others? Do we
need to ‘possess’ something first, in order to ‘share’ with others?
One of my nephews was of the
firm belief, that we were able to share only when we possessed enough…
I agreed with him, before I
could convey what I had in my mind.
– call it ‘Giving’ or ‘Charity’ or ‘Empowering’ or ‘Reaching out’ or ‘Touching
lives’ whatever, whatever, whatever – comes from the intangible state of our
hearts, rather than the tangible state of our possessions. From this paradigm,
I think, we need to possess first that intangible state of our hearts. When we
do, we are able to share… It is just natural… Our hearts just overflow, because
there is so much in them…
We do not have to be wealthy to
even to help someone financially. Sometime back, the family of one of our
relatives was going through a very difficult time due to the prolonged illness
of the head of the family. The family was in a dire need of monetary help and,
as a last resort, made appeals to all of us individually as well as on our
family groups. At that time, my own position was not stable. But, my heart
wanted to do something immediately and sincerely. I, spontaneously, spoke about
my dilemma with one of my very dear friends, who was better- placed financially.
The next thing I knew was, a thank-you note from my relatives for the kind help
I had made!
That’s how, my dear friend ‘shared’
without making any noise… Probably, that’s how a person like me – who may not possess
excess money – can reach out financially…
All that we need is an attitude of giving, sharing, helping… A rich heart, I mean!
Last evening,
when I was in my office, a young Maharashtrian girl, who worked as an accounts
assistant – approached me, a bit nervously… “Sir, I am planning to write CET
exams for MBA. Can you arrange to provide me with some material to study from?”
The girl seemed very sincere
and coming from a financially-deprived family. At that point of time, I had no
study material to offer her. But, I had many of my students who, I knew, had
such material at home… All that I had to do was - make a few phone calls and
act as a medium. But, would I do it, unless I possessed that desire – that heart
– to help her… to empower her?
Once again, I, spontaneously,
did one more thing: I pulled out from my book-shelf two of our books – ‘What Makes
Me Confident’ and ‘My Achilles' Heel’ – and handed them to her, saying, “Please
read these… This, too, is a ‘study material’ for your MBA preparation.”
I could see a sparkle on the young
girl’s face as she received what I was giving… all unexpectedly!
And, what about me – how was
my heart feeling? Good? Confident?
If we
all wait till we become ‘rich enough’ to help others, we will never be able to
help anyone at all… The finest giving happens, when we still are in need of
what we are about to give…
Yes, as Jack London describes
bone to the dog is not charity.
is the bone shared with the dog…
you are just as hungry as the dog.”
Pic’s: pixabay
Video: Kahlil Gibran/itisnowforever