Sitting here, Right now – this very moment – Many people come to my mind… Some of them are far, far away… And, some are not so far; Some are alive, And, some are no more. I am in touch with The kind of feelings My heart experiences Whenever my mind stops at Each of these persons. I feel extremely happy, Elated, privileged and secure When I think of some; And, when I think of some other, I feel sad, angry, Betrayed and extremely insecure. My mind swings like a seesaw … Sometimes, I am on ‘Cloud Nine’ - Very up-beat… And, sometimes, in doldrums - Very, very down. I am not a rock… I am a human with a heart. My heart needs care, Reassurances of love… It longs to find an anchor, Time and time again. I need some good souls in my life To tell me with all their heart – That I am a fine soul… That they accept me With all my mortal flaws. I need some good souls In ...