Pic.: Mehul Bhuva
“You are the most important person in this world.
It is for you to make your life the way you choose to.”
First thing first: You are not only an important person in
this world… You are, in deed, ‘the most important’ person!
But then, dear, take
it in the right sense… feel it, say it and act on it in the right sense.
Don’t feel or say it
to undermine others… but do it to lift yourself up in life…
In Life, you really,
really come first… Your first responsibility is to love, care and nurse
yourself enough… build yourself enough… trust yourself enough…
Because, unless you
believe, that you come first… unless you feel, that you are important… unless
you feel, that you deserve joy, love and prosperity in life… you will not be
able to experience them despite having them abundantly in your life.
It is only when you
feel joyful, successful and prosperous, that you are capable of sharing it with
It is only when you
feel you care yourself enough, that you are capable of caring for others…
It is only when you
treat yourself with respect and dignity you deserve, that you are capable of
treating others accordingly…
Even Lord says, “Love thy neighbor as you love thyself!”
The Holy Book, also,
says, that God has made you in His own image. If so, what sort of image that
must be?
Like you, others, too,
are the most important people in the world…
Treat the world the
way you treat yourself… with loads of importance!
Hold others in high
esteem as you hold yourself in.
And, remember my dear: God has bestowed upon you that
precious endowment called - ‘the freedom of choice’.
So, the kind of life
you are going to lead shall be the kind of life you choose to lead…
Yes dear, nothing
more, nothing less than that…
And, yes, yes: it is ‘for you’ to do that!
the early 80’s, as a stranger and a struggling young-man in this big city of
Mumbai (then Bombay),
I was filled with self-doubts and fears. My self-confidence level was at its
lowest pit, and I was gripped with anxiety about my future. It was during these
harrowing times, I had found on the roadside an old copy of Dr. Napoleon Hill’s
inspirational classic – ‘Think & Grow Rich’…
life was destined to change, immediately!
have been so influenced by Dr. Napoleon Hill’s ‘Success philosophy’ -
particularly his famous line: “Whatever
the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” - that it would be
impossible for me to shed off this influence all my life.
as a young-teacher in his twenties, when I had scribbled those passages in the
little booklet ‘THE DAWN’, they loudly – and proudly - echoed the core tenets
of Dr. Hill’s life-lessons. What he had assimilated from the lives of scores of
successful people and passed on to us, I was now trying to do, in my own way,
to my students…
my deepest humility and reverence, I dedicate this book ‘THE ECHOES OF THE DAWN’
- to the one who made me ‘Stand up’ in life…Dr. Napoleon Hill.