Meanwhile, the Sun came up from the
East, as usual, this morning… The birds woke up, sang for some time and left in
search of their breakfast, as usual… The sky wore a fresh attire for the day… bright,
warm and thriving… Clouds passed by as if they had the best Sun to guide… Far
away, the Moon went about doing its usual business of glowing, and the Stars
just did what they were best at… being still and shining…
Meanwhile, here on Earth, someone is busy asking for my ‘explanation’…
I have an option: to go in rounds, and rounds and rounds, explaining… or just ‘be’…
Meanwhile, someone here is busy conspiring to defame me, destroy me… I
have an option: to fortify myself against his attacks… or just ‘be’…
Meanwhile, someone, here, wants to be ‘counted’, given credit to…
wants me to think he is ‘important’… I have an option: to heed to his demands
to be in his good books… or just to show him the forests raised by little squirrels
through their legendary absentmindedness!
Meanwhile, someone is busy keeping scorecards of my sins, my follies
and reminding me desperately about my ‘sins’… I have an option: to get
provoked, guilty, gloomy and furious… or, just to show him the graveyard that
lies a few heartbeats away…
Meanwhile, kids, here outside, have just returned from their school…
Before going home, they want to mess up a little more in the play ground here…
they want to do their ‘little things’ before thinking of ‘big things’… like their
hot lunch, their homework, their tuitions and their prayers, even…
Meanwhile, the mothers want to take a short siesta… they are tired…
and, fathers need a desperate break from thinking endlessly of paying bills…
Meanwhile, Donald Trump is busy preparing his next ‘Order’… I have an
option: to be like him or to be not like him…
Meanwhile, God, up there, watches all these stupid, small things – and
laughs: ‘My poor children!”
Who says ‘Life is too short’?
Pic.: Anil Bedi