“The things you are passionate about are not random…
They are your calling.”

-      Anonymous

Even though I know, that our talents help us feel self-confident in life, I will never say, that our talents alone can help us in this. In fact, unless a talent becomes a fine skill, talent is of no value… It’s a waste. And, the process of converting our talents into skills calls for real discipline… we need the burning desire, dogged determination, sagely patience and perseverance, and, above all, some luck – call it God’s grace, if you like. But, unless our talents become our skills, it’s just not possible…

The talent, which makes Amitabh Bachchan a legend, is his acting talent… Not any other talent. The talent, which makes Lata Mangeshkar a legend, is her singing talent… Not any other talent. The talent, which makes A.R. Rehman a legend, is his talent of music composition, above anything else… Take any one else, from any other field… It’s, invariably, one major talent… I said, “One major talent” …The other things are just incidental to that one major talent…

But, all of us are blessed with at least one such major talent… Aren’t we?

Being blessed with talent alone will not make us self-confident and successful in life… As I said, the talents need to be turned into our fine sills… and, we need to ‘sell’ those skills.

Sometimes, when we look at the sheer number of years, achievers like Amitabh Bachchan, Lata Mangeshkar and such legends have used their single major talent for such a long period - becoming finer and finer as years rolled by - yes, it reassures all of us, that, if we remain faithful and dedicated to our talents and skills, we can last long… become legends in our respective fields, in our own right.   

I was listening to some of Tom Jones’ songs… He is 80-year old now… and still sings with the same passion as he did as a young heart-throb. That’s not easy… The talents and skills, need to be backed by that insatiable drive and passion… You need to possess that dedication, hard-work, practice and patience. Look at these two performances… The song is the same… The power is the same, too…

Let me say this, once again, in conclusion: Yes, it’s always that one major talent, which we convert into our fine skill, that helps us stay there for so long. But, that ‘something extra’ alone helps us find a place among the stars…


Pic.:Anil Bedi

Video: 1. NoMadU55555 2. Joffre Maestracci


Unknown said…
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