“Someone is sitting in the shade today,

because, someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

Warren Buffet


One of the most-visible side-effects of this virus-infected Pandemic is, that more and more people – particularly the young ones – have suddenly become aware of money-matters. What, traditionally, was called ‘Financial Literacy’.

A young man or a woman rarely cared much about the future. That age was the age of reckless spending… to live life as if there is no tomorrow. At least, a large section of young people loved to live life this way. King-size!

But, now, as the jobs and businesses have been hit hard by the Pandemic and the flow of income has either dried up or dwindled, I get to see lots of young men and women become money-alert. I get to hear from many of them the famous words of Warren Buffet:

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep,

you’ll work until you die.”

Well, let’s mull over those words, once again…

I don’t think, Warren Buffet is against the idea of ‘working till we die’. He is such a wise soul! What he seems to convey, in my view, is this: When you work and earn, save some money, invest in multiple sources, stay long invested, and, let it grow, multiply. That’s being prudent. That’s being money-wise. So, he is not advocating a laid-back or armchair life.

Because, presently, many of us have found ourselves without jobs or without business – or hit hard due to the Pandemic – we wish we had learnt, early in life, how to make money while we slept…

“Don’t’ put all your eggs in one basket.” Weren’t we cautioned? But, then, who knew they would move our baskets… Our cheese?

Better late than never… yes, for those of us, who have moved past our youth. And, better luck to those who are young.

So, conscious of my own lack of financial literacy – rather lack of an understanding as to how to make money grow while I sleep – I wish to let Warren Buffet do this job, through some of his random pearls. I consider them to be worth more than the hottest of the hottest Stocks. Here they are…

“The most important thing to do, if you find yourself in a hole

is to stop digging the hole.”

“You  never know who is swimming naked

until the tide goes out.”


“You can’t produce a baby in one month

by getting nine women pregnant.”


“It’s better to hangout with people better than you.

Pick up associates whose behaviour is better than yours,

and you’ll drift in that direction.”


“In the world of business, the people who are most successful

are those who are doing what they love.”


“Tell me who your heroes are;

and I’ll tell you how you’ll turn out to be.”


“Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future.”

“Opportunities come infrequently.

When it rains gold, put out a bucket, not a thimble.”


“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep,

you’ll work until you die.”


“I will teach you how to become rich…

Close the doors.

Be fearful when other are greedy.

Be greedy when others are fearful.”


“If you aren’t thinking about owning a stock for ten years,

don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes.”


“Wall Street is the only place that people drive in a Rolls-Royce

to take advice from people who ride the subway.”


“A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.”


“Do not save what is left after spending.

Instead, spend what is left after saving.”


“If past history was what is needed to play the game of money,

then the richest people will be librarians.”


“If you buy things you do not need,

soon you will have to sell things you need.”


“Never depend on single income.

Make investment to create a second source.”


“Buy a stock the way you would buy a house.

Understand and like it such that you’d be content to own it

in the absence of any market.”


“As happens in Wall Street, all too often,  

what the wise do in the beginning, fools do at the end.”


“The more you learn, the more you earn.”


Money doesn’t grow on trees. But, it grows like trees - quietly, over a long period of time, just as trees planted long ago by someone, so that some one could sit in its shade later…

Too late to learn this truth…




Pic's: Internet

Video: Evan Carmichael



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