“Give me six hours to chop down a tree,

and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Abraham Lincoln


IPL games are thrillers, action-packed. But, what I am amused most about these games – oddly, you may say – is this concept of ‘Strategic Time Out’.

Presently each side – the bowling and batting side – gets two-and-half minutes as STO to reformulate their strategy, mid-game.

Fans may complain, saying it ruins the flow of the game… Critics may complain, saying that’s a smart way of generating more revenue from commercials. But, whoever says whatever, I think, in Life, everything that is fast and furious needs these priceless STO’s…

As kids, we called them ‘Recesses’ in our school; didn’t we? The school life was a grueling one, right?

Think of the concept of sleep, siesta, cat-naps and power-naps? What are all these for?

Why are there retreats in every religion and culture? Why do people take breaks… go on a vacation?

Life is hectic… Fast and furious. We all want to score big and fast… We all want to knock the opponents out and fast… We all want to win. In the process, we tend to run out of steam and ideas… We tend to go blunt.

That’s why, someone has thought of providing us all a respite by way of STO…

A minute-long break between each of the twelve rounds of brutal boxing bout makes a mighty difference, Sir… Yes, it does.

The Jesuit school, where I studied, used to organize for Christian students the day-long retreats, periodically. Most of us never understood the true significance of those ‘time-outs’. Then, we were encouraged to attend Marriage-preparation sessions before we tied the knot… Did we fully grasp the meaning of it?

I doubt.

Married life is a long, bumpy road. So, we become tired, frustrated and blunt as we live together as couples. The spiritual teachers thought we should take, periodically, some time out to sharpen our saws… to bring back the sparkle into our hearts… Did we appreciate it?

I doubt.

Everywhere, everything takes some time out to rest. Human beings, animas, fishes, birds… all rest. God worked frantically for six days and took rest on the seventh… That’s how it all started. His Son, Jesus, was super-busy going around preaching and healing. But, occasionally, right at the peak of his frantic schedule, He got into the boat and simply went away from the crowd… Why?

“I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”… Why did Martin Luther King Jr. say so?

Gandhi fasted and went into silence every time faced with the direst challenges in his life. Why did Mahatma do it?

Stephen Covey’s remarkable book – ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ has an amazing seventh habit: ‘Sharpen the Saw’!


And, why am I talking about all these, today?

Anup* called me up, this morning. He and his wife have been in the US for many years. But, some years ago, they decided to settle back, here in Mumbai. They have two school-going kids. Both, Anup and his wife have jobs in two of the best MNC’s. But, Anup has been going through a rough phase… Apparently, he has a heartless boss! “At least six times I thought of quitting the job,” he said, this morning, “But, I have been afraid to do it.” He continued, “Last night, I, once again, thought of giving up and decided to write to my boss… Ironically, I only ended up applying for a two-day sick leave… I have come to my Club… As there are no activities here, I am sitting in one of the quiet corners, looking out of the window and reflecting… My boss, surprisingly, messaged me, a while ago, checking on my health… He apologized for being too harsh on me… My wife was nudging me to talk to you… So, here I am, Sir.”

Well, Anup is not an idiot to believe, that a mortal like me has any answers to his issues in hand. No doctor, no counselor, no spiritual teacher has, for that matter. One speaks to another soul only to feel a bit better, a bit lighter… may be with a hope to find a fresh perspective. During the course of our discussion, I had encouraged him the utilize this break – this Strategic Time Out – to reformulate his strategy, mid-game. I had encouraged him to read Stephen Covey’s chapter on ‘Sharpen the Saw’…

I am very hopeful, that Anup will bounce back into renewed action!

Another reason why I am writing about this subject, today… Nupur*, a dear friend of mine, had messaged me, two nights ago, after listening to a Josh Groban song… “Thank you for sharing this song… It is so uplifting. Presently, I am down with Covid… Feel very down and depressed. Pray for me, please.”

Nupur’s children are away. Husband, who is Covid-free presently, is taking good care of Nupur. She, too, had been living a very hectic life. All that I offered her was a few words of hope and encouragement… I did write this, too: “Nupur, use this time for quiet reflection and to re-ignite your spirit… You will bounce back. Lots of love and prayers.”

One minute for boxers… Two-and-half minutes for IPL players…  Three hours for Martin Luther King Jr... Four hours for Abraham Lincoln… One full day for God… Or, these two or three years of lockdown for you and me… It’s all the same - the Strategic Time Out!

*Names changed




Pic’s: pixabay


Videoes: Andre Rieu



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