“There is a fellow by the name Rowan

who will find Garcia for you, if anybody can.”

Elbert Hubbard in his essay -  ‘A Message to Garcia’


During my initial days in this big city (Bombay, now Mumbai), I had picked many inspirational books on the city’s footpaths… Napolean Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘The Law of Success’, Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’, ‘How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’, Norman Vincent Peale’s ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ and many more had come to me from the footpaths… like at 5 bucks or 10 bucks. But, to tell you the truth (and it was inscribed on the front cover of ‘Think and Grow Rich’), each book was ‘worth a million dollar’ to me… I was hungry, not only in my stomach… I was hungry in my heart, too…

As a pleasant bonus, Dale Carnegie had included three famous essays at the end of his book, ‘How to Stop Worrying and Start Living’. ‘As a Man thinketh’ by James Allan, ‘Acres of Diamond’ by Russell Conwell and ‘A Message to Garcia’ by Elbert Hubbard.

I loved and was inspired by all three of them…

Last evening, I dearly remembered ‘A Message to Garcia’.

For those, who haven’t heard of this essay, Hubbard’s essay has a ‘hero’ by the name Rowan, an American soldier. During the Spanish-American war, President William McKinley wanted to send an important and urgent secret message to the Cuban rebel leader (call him the freedom fighter) General Garcia, who was hiding somewhere in the distant Cuban jungles. But, the message had to be urgently delivered. “There is a fellow by the name Rowan, who can carry the message to Garcia for you, if anyone can,” the President was told by his advisor. So, Rowan was called in and briefed about the secret mission to be carried out… Brief taken, off goes Rowan, crossings rivers, mountains and jungles… A few weeks later, the message delivered, he reports before the President…

The Story of Rowan ends there… The rest is Hubbard’s priceless commentary on the vital leadership qualities needed for success in life – initiative, enthusiasm, determination, patience and endurance.

I was reading this essay, over and over again, and absorbing that essence of the million-dollar virtue, which has been, down the ages,  hailed as ‘Killer instinct’ by some, ‘Fire in the belly’ by some, ‘Do-or-die spirit’ by some,’ ‘Bulldog determination’ by some. etc., etc., etc…

Steve Jobs made the expression ‘Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish’ very famous… He had borrowed it from two young men before him; and our own Rashmi Bansal baptized her best-selling book, much later, by the same name…

A 'Go-getter attitude' means exactly that – ‘Go for it, like a bulldog’…

‘Go Kiss the World’ was how the dying mother of the author, Subroto Bagchi, bid him goodbye when he was leaving the town… She was telling him, “You have kissed me; now go, kiss the world.”

And, I have not yet told you what makes me remember all of this, today…

Last evening, a well-wisher of mine shared through, the Messenger, this advertisement on FB:



“I remembered you, when I saw this ad,” my well-wisher said with all her sincerity…

Maybe, in her assessment, I possessed all the qualities needed for job. But, outright, I knew I was failing on the quality no. 3… I was a ‘Mr. Nobody-from-Nowhere’ during my entire years of academics… Shy like a touch-me-not, scared, dumb!

I knew I possessed rest of the qualities. And, the quality no 5 – ‘Get-shit-done Attitude’ made me smile…

Did I possess it?

I am sure, late Elbert Hubbard and Late Dale Carnegie, both, will vouch for me. They will, also, smile from their graves, amused to see how the vital attitude of ‘Go, carry a message to Garcia’ has now been recycled into – ‘Get-shit-done attitude’!

“Thank you, my friend, for remembering me to be qualified for this ‘Mission’”, I replied to my well-wisher, “But, you know my ‘daud’… It is like Mullah ki daud – only my Masjid tak.”




Pic’s.: Pixabay  1. cp17  



Video: Rich & Spiritual


I researched a bit on this one it seems it is at Gurugram expecting one to stay for two months hmm 🤔 When one is busy with a set schedule for a years span it seems tough .

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