Pic.: Madan Manik
Whenever the thoughts of scarcity creep up in my mind and
leave me anxious, I allow myself to experience the feeling of discomfort and
fear fully. Pumping myself with bravado is a momentary relief… as it only
serves as a band-aid treatment for my anxiety… So, the ideal treatment, which,
I have found is: allow myself to experience the anxiety fully… It goes!
When my health is
bad, when I run out of cash, when there is strain in my relationships… yes,
whenever lack of any kind stares at me, scares me… I think, that’s the best
time to slowdown in life… introspect… realign myself… make necessary amends and
keep moving on! Just as a body ailment is a blessing in disguise - if I can see
it as Nature’s plan to make me aware of our body’s well-being and act responsible
towards it, take good care of it - Yes, just as a heartache, too, is a blessing
in disguise - if I can see it as Nature’s plan to make me aware of my heart’s
well-being and act responsible towards it, take good care of it - Yes, when
there is a fear coming from an unknown and uncertain future, I just need to
pause and look hard on what is necessary and what is not necessary in my life…
whether my ship is truly Northbound or not…
There is enough, in this world, for everyone. Then, why
should I be anxious, afraid of my tomorrows?
Now, if I am still
anxious and afraid, it is, certainly, because I have deviated from my focus on
what is necessary in my life and what is not… My ship has strayed away from her
route to True North…
So, it is time to
pause and bring back my focus on what is essential in my life… bring back my
ship on the right path… It is time to reaffirm my trust in the benevolent Universe…
“Earth (Nature)
provides enough to satisfy every-man’s need,” Mahatma Gandhi’s famous words
remind me, “but not enough for any-man’s greed.”