Pic.: Wikipedia
Two nights ago, a group of children – between the ages 10
and 13 – had come to invite my wife and me for their party. My wife opened the
door and spoke to the children. They had prepared a lovely invitation by hand
and won my wife’s heart by their warmth.
After the kids had left, my wife showed me
the invitation and cried, “Trick-or-treating?”
I smiled and travelled back to my own
childhood days...
‘All Saints’ Evening’... ‘All Hallows’
Evening’... That’s how it was for us.
The evening before the ‘All Saints’ Day’, we would attend a special mass in the
church and evoke the blessings of ‘all the hallowed souls’ – the saints and the
blessed, the noble and the gentle... Maybe, there was this reason: ‘Don’t be
afraid of death... Scare the demon out of you... Defeat the death... Laugh at
death... Play with death... Dance with death... Whatever it is, but, celebrate
Life, have fun, allow the child in you to rejoice... even though it means
wearing some false-funny-wired mask and going around the streets a lot funky
and freaky...
But, I don’t remember anything about ‘All
Saints’ Evening’ except for that one special mass, followed by a visit to the
graveyard to light the candles and pray for our departed souls and, then, coming
back home to go about our routine...
No pumpkin lanterns... No devil masks... No Dracula’s
Last night, the door-bell rang, once again.
This time around, I opened the door. “Uncle, you and aunty did not come for the
party,” the little girls complained, “So bad!”
“Sorry dear,” I confessed accepting the two
paper-plates with snacks brought by them, “what would old people do in a ‘Halloween’
“Have fun!” the girls giggled.
looked at my wife. “Children don’t tell lies,” the twinkle in her eyes told.
“Do you know what ‘Halloween’ is all about?” Many a times,
I have felt like asking the enthusiasts. But, then, I have held that urge back
and simply gone with the flow, the blowing wind – or call it ‘madness’ or ‘dumbness’
or just ‘innocence’ or whatever you wish to call it – and let the madness be,
dumbness be... innocence be...
Let the child, always, play, have fun...
“Hallowed be thy name, O the child in me!”