Pic.: Pushpa Mistry Kamath
can only lose what you cling to.”
Last week, I had invited a very dear friend of mine to spend an hour with our young PD-students. She did a wonderful job… helping young-ones to correct the most common mistakes they committed while communicating in English.
My friend is a very gentle and
helpful soul. Now retired, she had been a very popular English teacher… and,
like all teachers do, had impacted lives of thousands of students through her
teaching career.
This morning, I saw a message from my
friend… She wanted my e-mail id. Our students had loved her session and found
it very useful. Even though I had
conveyed it to her and thanked her profusely, while sending to her my e-mail
id, today, I, once again, conveyed to her my students’ and my own sincere feelings…
in fact, I needed the e-mail id for that reason,” my friend wrote to me, “I realized that a lot of threads were hanging
loose and hoped that if I explained it all in detail to you in the mail you
would be able to explain it to them.”
“Ma’am, I really appreciate and value your concern,” I replied
to my friend, “If you could do that, I would be grateful.” Then, something inside me prompted me to add
this: “Ma’am, but, it is okay… It is all about doing our ‘bit’… You did from
your end, I do from mine… Beyond that, each one has to find it for him/herself, So, let’s do what is possible and let’s do it with all our heart and good
intention. Take care.”
The day after my friends’ session here, I had been to Ahmedabad.
One of my dear friends had invited me to conduct a motivational programme for
the new staff of a leading bank. I did it with all my heart and good intention over
two days for two different batches… Yes, I came back with the thought, that it was
the ‘best’ of what I had offered so far in my life…
So, when my friend asked me, “How was your Ahmedabad trip?”,
once again, something inside me prompted me to tell her this:
“It was great ma’am… It was for the new recruits of a leading
bank… a part of induction training…I had it for two days for two different batches. As I said, I gave my best, which is my ‘bit’… I have left it behind in
Ahmedabad… Here is a new day, a new challenge. Love.”
“Hmmm,” my friend commented, “like the old monk in the story,
“Yes ma’am, I really think, that we
should learn to see all our efforts that way… Just don’t cling, don’t live in
the ‘hang-over’… don’t die for others’ validation… least, don’t try to please
them… The less we cling, the less we remain addicted… I am learning it the hard
way… learning to approach life as though it is my first day here… Hope, it is
not a sermon early in the morning. We’ll catch up soon, ma’am. Love.”
“Yes, of course,” my friend ended
the conversation, “Have a great day.”
A friend had come ‘here’ to help me and my students… I had
gone ‘there’ to help another friend and his students… We gave our best, lived
our best… and, yes, like that old monk, who had dropped the young-and-beautiful
woman long behind, we both are learning to drop our young-and-beautiful
memories long behind…
Yes, it is new day here… a new challenge…
We are embracing it with our new eyes and new hearts…
“Capre diem!”… “Seize the day!”