A while ago, a friend of mine called me up. He said, “A thought has been crossing my mind for over a year now. I have this strong urge to give away five percent of my income to empower a girl child through education. How shall I go about it?”

For a moment, I felt a bit surprised on hearing what my friend was saying. He is a creative guy and has been freelancing for over three decades. But, for last some years, the work has come to him erratically, here one, there one. It has been a constant source of tension in the house, and, it had caused a strain on his relationship with wife. Apparently, despite his best attempts to get more work, the work has not been coming his way the way one would expect.

So, against the backdrop of this situation, when I heard my friend sharing with me what he was thinking, the natural and the most sincere reaction would be to tell him “Hello, it’s an impractical idea… You are just daydreaming … First, go out and get some work, make some money before thinking of ‘giving’ it to the needy… You need it the most!”

Yes, I did say this to my friend, but in a different way. I said, “The thought is very noble and I can feel, that it has come from a clean space. You are asking me as to how to go about it. My advice is this: This noble thought should motivate you to earn more. If you wish to give away, say rupees twenty thousand for the cause in one year, you need to make twenty times of that sum, which is rupees four lakh.”

“Four lakh is nothing,” I heard my friend reacting.

“I know; but, when you have nothing, four lakh is something,” I made my point. I continued, “You need to care for yourself first;  you need to be happy when you give… Giving can take place in several ways, not necessarily in terms of money. And, frankly, you need not possess much to give to others… Giving should come from gratitude and gladness. But, focus on giving your skills and talents, let it bring in more income… and, do share a part of it for the cause close to your heart.”

While leaving for my work, early this morning, I saw a very gracious lady. I had taught her grand children many years ago and found this lady to be one of the most beautiful persons, both from inside and outside… Very graceful and dignified. For many years, she had been visiting the revered Gurudwara Shri Dasmesh Darbar at Koliwada, to offer her service (‘Seva’). She has earmarked some days in the week, and very devoutedly she takes a taxi outside our complex to be there at the Gurudwara. Today, when she saw me from a distance, she paced towards me. When she reached me, she pressed my hand gently and enquired, “Beta, how are you feeling now? Hope, you are really fine now.”

She spent the next five minutes discussing about my health issues. “Beta, God has been kind… You have our prayers. You may not know this: I read the books you had given to my grand children… My English is not good, you know… I feel very happy when I go through your writings.”

Last evening, I had a very similar experience. Suman, a fellow Tai Chi learner, had posted in our group her good news: she had just got her doctorate. I instantly called her to convey my wishes. “Thank you so much Gerry. But tell me, how are you keeping now?”

From there on, Suman did not let me focus on her PhD… She only focused on my health… “You are such a good man, Gerry,” she said, “God will guard you!”

Are these little-subtle things not acts of ‘giving’?

I remember my earliest days in Mumbai, when I was constantly dreaming of teaching. The thought made me feel as if I was on top of the world. But, the reality was, at that moment, I was at my deeptest pit… I was jobless and penniless… I left home every  morning and came back in the night, hungry… But, I never gave up on dreaming of teaching. Then, one fine morning, I just got up and walked into a large residential colony and began to knock on the doors and ‘sell’ myself, my dream of teaching… When people saw this stranger on their door, some politely closed the doors… while many did not. They called me in, sensing my infectious enthusiasm and clean intentions… When they asked about the fees, I found myself telling them, “Fees are not important… I want to teach.” Many of them trusted me and gave me a chance to teach their children… I needed money very, very badly… But, I just focused on teaching with joy and passion…. The rest just happened in my life, yes, there onward!

So, when I was advising my friend, a while ago, I was constantly thinking about my own burning desire to help and empower young ones when I myself had nothing in my pocket… I knew, that the clean intent mattered a lot in life… Money was a small thing, after all. It had nothing to do with ‘giving’, in fact…


No Sir… Very, very practical.

During those ‘glorious’ struggling days of mine, one of the persons who I had taught for a year without charging a penny was Rekha. Not because Rekha was a financially needy girl… She came from a well-placed household. I did that act because my hunch said, “Do it.” Rekha, who is now a mother of two grown-up sons, has remained as one of my very dear friends. Every year, on Christmas and Easter eves, I receive a hamper of goodies from her…

One of the most precious gurudakshina, Rekha had offered me on the last day of her learning from me – that was some thirty-seven years ago - was a copy of  Kahlil Gibran’s classic, ‘The Prophet’. This book has been a huge influence on me ever since… and, I, in return, have gifted scores of copies to those who have touched me, helped me…

In ‘The Prophet’, Gibran says while talking about ‘Giving’:

“You give but little when you give of your possessions.

It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For, what are your possessions but things you keep and guard
for fear you may need them tomorrow?”

Sit back and soak in this amazing message of Kahlil Gibran…


Pic.: Little Woo

Video: itisnowforever/YouTube


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