“God does not create a lock without its key;
And, God does not give problems without solutions…Trust Him.”

-         Anonymous

One of my favourite stories comes from the teachings of Gautama Buddha. The story is popularly known as ‘Kisa Gotami and the Parable of the Mustard Seeds’.

Kisa’s young son had died. She was heart-broken… Carrying the dead son in her arms, she went from one door to another, pleading people to bring her little boy to life. But, her efforts seemed futile. Finally, someone suggested her to seek Gautama’s help. Thus, she presented herself before the Buddha. “O Master, I am unable to bear this loss,” she cried, “Have mercy on me and bring my son back to life.”

The Buddha agreed. He advised the distressed woman to go back to her village and gather a fistful of mustard seeds from any household which was not touched by death. “From those mustard seeds, I shall prepare a medicine to bring back your son to life,” assured the Master. The woman was relived… She went back to her village… hopped from one house to another… All were ready to give her the mustard seeds. But, none of the households had been spared by death!

By the time the darkness had fallen, Kisa’s sorrow was dissolved. With a peaceful heart, she put her son to rest!

When the truth dawns upon our hearts, that, problems in life - including sickness, sorrow and death – are faced by every soul on this earth, we become peaceful. The more we are stuck with our own problems and sorrows, the more miserable and helpless we feel. Often, all that we need to do is this: look around us and see how pale our problems look compared to those faced by so many others. Yes, it is enough to make us peaceful…

A few weeks ago, I received a call from an unknown person. He was a parent and spoke with extremely-low energy. I strained to follow him, except for the fact that he wanted to enroll his daughter for my upcoming 12th (ISC) class. The conversation barely took a few minutes. The very next day, his wife came over to my office accompanied by her young daughter. As I was revising the 11th standard chapters, I encouraged the young one to attend them, so that she could get a firm hold on her basics. Barely two days into my classes, I got the message, that she had lost her dad... I was shocked! Suddenly, I could realize as to why the voice had sounded so slow and devoid of energy. I learnt, that he had been suffering from bone-marrow cancer... Apparently, it was in its advanced stage!

I mustered enough courage to communicate with my student’s mother, who had just become a widow. She sounded dignified and peaceful as I offered my condolences. Within a week, I received the call from my student’s mother… She wanted her daughter to resume. She also asked if she could learn the fundamentals of Accountancy from me… I was surprised. Her husband had built a software business in partnership with a family friend. She was now expected to join the business. She had a Computer Engineering background and she was clueless about the books of accounts and financial statements. She wanted to do a crash course in computerized accounting. Before that, she wanted to learn the basic accounting concepts from me. From the next day, the mother and the daughter began to attend my classes.  I devised a customized study-programme for the mother.

It’s about two weeks now. The lady has come a long way as far as her learning objective was concerned. She knew why she wanted to learn those concepts; so, she has got them so effortlessly… The commitment has been incredible… The self-pity and sorrow are nowhere around. During the course of teaching, I had the opportunity to know the history of her husband’s health… She told me, that he had an athlete’s physique… But, by the time he was diagnosed with bone-marrow cancer, it had spread beyond control… They had tried every possible treatment, the best and the most expensive ones… She told me, that they had to administer twenty-seven special injections (for immunity), each costing rupees two lakhs… The cost of administering each injection was another twenty-thousand. The business and house-front were badly hit… Fortunately, her husband’s US-based brothers were kind enough to help them financially, though not fully. Finally, the inevitable had come about… In a way, when it had come, the family was ready for it…

So, even though I was a bit surprised when the woman had decided to come out of the house and move on within a week from her husband’s death, I felt inspired by her grace, dignity and poise…. There has been no trace of ‘Why me?’ or ‘Poor me’… The Life has to go on… and, go on it will!

Let me say this again: When the truth dawns upon our hearts, that, problems in life - including sickness, sorrow and death – are faced by every soul on this earth, we become peaceful. The more we are stuck with our own problems and sorrows, the more miserable and helpless we feel. Often, all that we need to do is this: look around us and see how pale our problems look compared to those faced by so many others. Yes, it is enough to make us peaceful.


Pic.: Anil Bedi


Anuradha said…
Dear Sir,I salute your sensitivity & eagerness to reach out & help others.I hope someday I too will acquire that ability to appreciate and learn from what life offers us.And ofcourse Hatsoff to my dear friend.

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