not what you do once in a while that shapes your lives.
what you do consistently.”
all have two reactions to our exam results: We rejoice, or we sulk!
This morning, a
young girl sent to me this message:
“Good Morning
Sir. My results are out. I have graduated with a 9.92 cgpa out of 10 and secured
the second place in the college.”
Obviously, this
young girl had a reason to rejoice.
But, I know of
dozens of young ones, who are sulking out there… They are feeling low, and some
of them are, even, unable to show themselves up!
So, these are
the two extreme reactions to the exam results… either you rejoice, or you sulk;
either you show up, or you hide!
Well, I tell
everyone this: “Take heart: you all can find your place under the Sun
irrespective of your results… But - yes, but - learn from your results!
The young girl,
who has just graduated in flying colours, did not get her ‘distinction’ out of
sheer fluke. I have known her for years; her distinct quality was, that she was
absolutely clear about what she wanted to do in life - her vocation. She was
not only clear about it, she was determined to achieve it… She has been
incredibly focused and consistent in her efforts. Thus, the little that she did
every day, over and over and over the years – yes, that has helped her to crack
it… to break ‘the mountain’ as Dashrath Manjhi did!
“That’s the only
way to eat an elephant, my young friends,” I keep hammering my young students, “by
eating one spoon at a time!”
Efforts, therefore,
are useless, unless we keep doing them consistently, over and over and over
To ones who get low marks – those who sulk, feel low or try to hide – I tell this: “Learn from your mistakes. Use your ‘failures’ as stepping stones for your success… Let failures motivate you, bring the best out of you.”
life, there is nothing called a ‘permanent failure’. As successful people tell
us, failures become ‘permanent’ only if we accept them. If we use them as a ‘learning
experiences’, our failures can be our greatest driving forces.
So, my friends,
who have not scored well in their exams, need not sulk, feel in the dumps and hide.
Let me remind them: “There are tougher exams in life; be ready to face them,
brace them.”
Let me
repeatedly remind every young one: “Stay focused.”
The young girl,
who has come out in flying colours had been clear in her mind and heart as to
what field she wanted to land in. She had stayed incredibly focused… She kept doing one
thing hundred times, instead of doing
hundred things at one time.
When we stay focused
and consistent on our clearly-defined goals, invariably, we end up achieving
Manjhi took 22
years to break the mountain… to make a way to the other side. Our own mountains
may need the same clarity, determination, effort and, above all, focus and
consistency… to make a way to the other side! For, as Maxime Legace said, “The
seeds of accomplishment sprout in the soil of consistency.”
Pic.: pixabay
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