“Rivers know this:

there is no hurry; we will get there someday.”



I admire people who show grace in waiting…

There is tremendous amount of strength in waiting… and delaying the sensual gratification…

This the Navratri time. People, who seriously observe the essence of Navratri, I think, know what I am saying…

Fasting is waiting… Delaying the sensual gratification… It’s a fine spiritual exercise...

Walking barefoot for nine days is, certainly, tough for people like me. So, when I see someone sincerely doing it, I feel in my heart true admiration for that person…

Patience is waiting… Patience when provoked, ridiculed, belittled etc… It is not easy at all to delay the reaction that is stirred inside… Patience is strength. It is prayer…

Last afternoon, I was scheduled to meet an important government officer between 3 and 4. Another government officer, who was known to me, had arranged for the meeting. It was an important work. So, I had cancelled my afternoon classes and gone all the way to the place of the meeting. I reached at 3 sharp. The officer, who had arranged for the meeting, was not in his cabin… I was told, that he was in another meeting, at another place. The main officer was not in his cabin either. He was busy with some other work, at some other place,  I was told. My calls and messages to the officer I had known (who had arranged for the meeting) were being not responded… I was waiting around that place… Standing all the while (No chairs or benches found around). Finally, after waiting for two-and-half hours, around 5.30 p.m., I decided to go outside for a cup of tea. Just then, I got a call from this officer… “Where are you? Come, I am in my cabin.”

I hurried to officer’s cabin. He was, now, with another group of people… After another thirty minutes of waiting, I was called in. “The main officer is attending a retirement function of one of our colleagues,” I was told, “Even I am supposed to attend this function.” We both walked towards the function venue… All the ladies had turned up in different shades of Green. That’s the time I realized, that Green was the colour of last Navratri day. It being a private function, I chose to wait a little away, outside, again standing… I could hear many short speeches, applause, cheers. Finally, after a wait of another one  hour, around 6.30, when I couldn’t hear any noise, I peeped inside… I was surprised: the officer, who had gone inside, had, now,  left without a word!

Then, I called him… He had already reached railway station. It was nearing 7 pm… and it was dark. “The main officer was absent today,” I was told coolly, “He is out of station.”

Did I feel like killing this man? At least, yelling?

Well, it’s Navratri time… People all around me were fasting, walking barefoot… Yes, they were delaying their immediate gratification, including the animal urge – call it human urge – to yell.

I had done my bit of waiting, for nearly four hours, standing… I was feeling the irritation and anger… I was feeling the pain in my legs… “How can people be so callous, casual and cool?” Yes, I was asking. But, then, it was Navratri time… People all around me were delaying their sensual gratification…

I felt good, that I, too, unwittingly, had observed my half-day of fasting and waiting, all patiently…

The scheduled meeting had not taken place… So what? The Navratri night had already shown up… The Green was soon expected to turn Grey… Then, Orange and so on…

“The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit,” I reminded myself with what Moliere had said.




Pic's.: pixabay


Video: Jade Shadow Music


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