Anupam is barely eighteen. On Sunday, I attended a homely function of the inauguration of a training organisation - MINDFLEX. Anupam had persuaded at least a dozen brilliant people - his uncles and even teachers - to join him in creating this outfit. He became its Director.

Anupam hails from a simple South Indian family, which is anchored spiritually, like a rock. For this family - yes, right from his grand parents, parents, uncles and aunts to all his cousins - the Purpose, Commitment, Dedication, Service, and Simplicity are deeply embedded 'Values'. They run in their blood. When I came close to Anupam, about a year ago, I had immediately smelt his 'blue blood'. And, as one of his uncles in his speech put it, so dramatically, on Sunday - yes, I had sensed that 'hunger in his belly'!

"He would be the man to watch for," I had openly said. "He would go places."

Sunday was the first milestone. The 'prophecy' had just begun to unfold!

The goal. How does one find his goal in life?

In spite of all the books that I have read and written, in spite of all the training programmes I have attended and conducted, and in spite of finding the goal in my own life, the answer to the above question still remains a big mystery to me!

Perhaps, there are more than one answer to this.

Perhaps, for most of us, Life is a vast maze ... Some find their way out faster than others. But, then, just as they come out, often, a new maze awaits for them! Again, the quest resumes ... and, yet again, and again!

This is the beauty of Life. The mystery makes it magical. The quest brings profundity and strength to it. And, for some, the quest itself may be their goal. The way itself their destination.

Yes, the goal in life does come from the awareness of our personal strengths, skills and talents. From sensing early, and clearly, in life, what excites us ... what we keep doing without being told ... the work that doesn't tire us ... the task that doesn't come on us like a burden, that which makes us happy and fulfilled, that which we do - not for money alone, but with a deep sense of pride, with a silently blazing desire of leaving some imprints, our legacy, behind.

Yes, goal in life, comes when we begin to dream in our 'wakefulness'. When we begin to trust in our innate goodness, in the mighty Universe around us ... and, when we get up and say 'YES' to the Universe, to Life.

When that happens, why for some early and why for some late ... This remains still a mystery for me!

In my own case, it happened much late. Unlike Anupam.

I am happy for Anupam. I am proud, as he counts me as one of his teachers, and one of his 'heroes', too. So, blessed are we, all!

Just after the function, that evening, while having our refreshments, a middle-aged woman approached us. "Sir, I have a son who is in junior college," she said. "I find him absolutely goal-less ... How can we make him goal-oriented, focused in life?"

Before any of us could say any thing, the mother found it difficult to stay there with us. She moved away, and wept inconsolably! Anupam's mother did the rest.

Why did this woman - a mother of a young man - sob so much just touching upon this subject?

That was something to haunt me nightlong, after I went home.

What would have been our answers to that woman? I thought hard.

Who gave me my goal? And, why did I bloom late?

Who gave Anupam his goal? And, why did he bloom early?



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