"So, Life goes on ... "

While I was having dinner at a wedding reception, last night, one of the members of our housing society made this statement.

Some months ago, a few members had disturbed the peace in our Society by mud-slinging and gross accusations - remorselessly, and relentlessly - until others stepped in to challenge them (This was after having failed to convince them.). The things came to a heady dead-end, and then, the administrator stepped in to take charge. Months have passed by. There is silence. All the participants of this 'great show' are going about their life, as they always did before. The issue is not solved; only, it is no more an issue!

So, last night, this gentleman reminded me about this truth: "So, Life goes on ... Doesn't it?"

Yes, Life goes on even after two decades since the Bofors scandal played havoc in our country. Governments fell and governments rose, but, Life in India goes on ... Yes, as it did before.

The Bofors issue is not solved; it's simply forgotten. The corruption is still rampant in our system; only the Bofors gun has stopped smoking!

Life goes on even after a thousand empires having come and gone ...

Life goes on even after a million earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis and hurricanes ...

Life goes on even after a million wars, and the two World Wars ...

Life goes on even after a million bankruptcies and market crashes ...

Life goes on even after a hundred religions having come and gone ... a thousand Prophets, saints and, even, Gods having come and gone ...

Life goes on in spite of Tuberculosis, Cancer, AIDS and, even, Small Pox ...

Life goes on in spite of hundred types of 'sexes' popping up around ...

Life goes on, even though men like Hitler have come and gone ...

Life goes on, even though men like Christ, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have been brutally killed ...

Yes, Life goes on, even after a trillion 'mortals' like me have come and gone ...

Life is beyond me; I am not beyond Life. Life will go on - and beautifully, smoothly - even if I am not around. Germany if fine, very fine, without Hitler. So is Russia without Stalin or Lenin, and France without Napoleon. We five brothers are doing fine without our dad being around, today. So will our children, tomorrow.

Last week, our Home Minister Mr. R.R. Patil had to go because of the public outcry on his failure to protect us. Now, Mr. Bujbal has come in. Does any one remember, that just a couple of years ago, Mr. Bujbal was our Home Minister and had to go because of corruption charges? No one will remember the charges against Mr. Patil, if he comes back after a couple of years.

It is 'Public Memory' ... And, it is too short!

Life goes on ...

And, it will go on even after a thousand terror attacks ... plotted by a thousand Bin Ledans or Dawood Ibrahims.

The Cold War has died, so has the mighty Soviet Union. The sole Super Power, America, is on the brinks of a mind-numbing economic collapse. It will be like the collapse of a giant's spine. And, even when that inevitable happens, tomorrow ... Life will still go on!

There is that little insect that glows in the night. It seems, it goes around telling every one, that there light in the world - only because of it.

I am that little insect!



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