“If you think, by being sarcastic, you can come about as witty, funny and humorous,” I made it very clear to a young-man, a while ago, “your thinking is wrong.”
“Sarcasm is the
lowest form of wit,” I cited an old saying.
When we are sarcastic,
we are not direct, not open and sincere. We taunt, we hint, we lie and we hold
back… Mostly with the intention of making the other person look stupid, feel
guilty and small… We do it to shunt him out… by making others laugh at him.
And, certainly, that’s
not any decent wit or healthy humor. It cuts through the other guy’s vulnerabilities…
Like an arrow, it pierces through his heart…
That’s why, in psychology,
the sarcastic guys are called ‘Snipers’… They indulge in what is known as an ‘indirect
Often, the sarcastic
people, who indulge in indirect aggression, are detested more than the abusive
ones, who indulge in direct aggression. At least, we can openly see and clearly
hear the outright abusive person. In psychology, such a person is called a ‘Tank’…
a battle tank. We can see the Tank coming… We can see its pointed gun, the
deadly manner in which it is inching towards us, and, we can see the ferocity
with which it can crush us down to destruction. Yes, in spite of such ferocity,
there is a lot of directness and openness about this behavior… It gives us an
idea as to how to protect ourselves from the imminent danger…
But, in indirect
aggression, we are left clueless and vulnerable to the attack… It rarely
provides us a chance to protect ourselves…
The Snipers can be
more harmful than the Tanks!
Whether or not our so
called wit is a misplaced version of sarcasm, we can easily figure it out by
asking these questions to ourselves: What is our intention? Is it to belittle the
other person - shunt him, make him look silly, stupid and small? Are we trying
to take some sort of revenge? What if the same thing is done to us by someone
else - will we be able to swallow it?
A healthy self-esteem is, always, founded on the basic premise
of ‘I am okay… You are okay’... 'I repect your rights... You respect my rights'. And, obviously, our sarcasm doesn’t come from there…
It is not healthy… It
is not wit or humor…
Yes, it is the lowest
and the worst form of wit!
Pic.: Aruna Anand
----- Yash
----- Yash
--- Sheela