Pic.: Rajiv Sharma
Today, during our PD session, the young-ones were talking about their special interests and hobbies. Dhaksh had just attended a week-long photography workshop under a well-known photographer. He shared with us: how he got interested in photography and what it took to be a good photographer. “You need a creative eye,” he said,” You need a very sensitive observation and a good sense of timing.”

Samvit loved to play hokey. He told us how he got into it... and, about the kind of practice he had to do to be a competitive hockey-player... He shared with us about the injuries he had sustained - and caused on others, too - all while playing... and, why he still loved playing hockey.

Abhinav, the tallest lad in the class, was a passionate basket-ball player. He recounted his story: how he started liking it... the kind of practice he had do... How, apart from Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson, some other Greats had inspired him to play basket ball... and, above all, he told us, how, sometimes, playing alone at late night, helped him to be centered and happy...

Saumik spoke about his love for sketching and drawing. He had seen his elder sister sketching, drawing and painting; and, as she taught, at home, little children, he, too, had loved it, and, now, it gave him great joy. He, also, told us, that, his dad had encouraged him to pursue architecture... So, he wanted to learn how to design buildings and bridges...

Kritika narrated to us: how, initially, she hated embroidery when she had to learn in school as an extra subject... and, how, slowly, what she had first hated, now, she had begun to love... She told us, that she loved to do different kinds of embroidery... and, loved to gift her close-ones her embroidery creations rather than the expensive items from the shop.

Nabhya shared with us her passion for music... and, her love for playing guitar. She lived in NRI complex, where, as a little child, she would watch live band performing. It was there, that his young-one developed her interest in playing guitar. She told us about her three friends – all girls – and the band they had, now, formed... “Who says girls can’t have a great band?” she asked...

No body. At least, I don’t...and, I won’t. I fully believe, that all boys and girls have their talents... and, if they sincerely, consistently and passionately pursue their talents, no body can stop them from realizing them...

But then, if they sincerely, consistently and passionately pursue them, I repeated three times! “Today, go home and google about Michael Jordan and Usain Bolt,” I told them, “Their story will inspire you.”

“A sketch a day, a click a day, an embroidery a day, a song a day,” I reminded our young-ones, “yes, if you keep sincerely, consistently and passionately keep doing this, who can stop you from realizing your dreams?”

“There is, always, inspiration out there in the air, you just need to be available,” I continued, “God is kind for each and every one of us, here, on this earth.”

Sun shines on everyone...
Moon smile at everyone...
Stars twinkle for everyone...
Rainbow appears for everyone...
Raindrops fall on everyone...

Then, why does Luck smile at only some?

Some twenty-three years ago, I had spontaneously asked this in one of the PD sessions. Today, too, it came to me, spontaneously...

Incidentally, the mother of young Nabhya, who is now a practicing lawyer, was in the audience, this morning. Twenty-three years ago, she was there in the class just as Nabhya did, today... And, the mother was smiling!!!



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