Pic.: Prashant Bhat

Once again, I wish to write, today, on Narendra Modi. It is not for his party or politics. It is for the inspiring story he has scripted for all of us to read.

Modi is 64. He was born in a grocers’ family, which belonged to the backward community of oil-pressers in Vadnagar, Gujarat. As a child, he helped his father sell tea at Vadnagar railway station. Later, as a teenager, he ran a tea stall with his brother near a bus terminus... He went to a local school and, later, completed his graduation and post-graduation, in Political Science, through distance education... That’s was the theory of politics. His practical studies in politics started as an ordinary ‘Pracharak’ in RSS... and, that’s where he honed his shrewd organizational and leadership skills...

Modi has been the Chief Minister of Gujarat since 2001 (Four terms!)... And, during this long tenure, he has seen the best and worst alike... The accusations, legal tangles and isolation over Ghodra riots were, perhaps, the most harrowing tests of his life... But, he passed all of them... The merciless onslaught by media, too, couldn't subdue the fighter in him... The US banned him from entering its land... It hardly made any difference to his swelling popularity...What he believed in was in delivering what he had promised... “Minimum government; maximum governance,” as he repeatedly described. So, he brought the best of the industries to Gujarat, put his state on the global map as far as development was concerned...

The road from Gujarat to Delhi – from CM to PM – is simply awe-inspiring!

Modi is the quintessential self-made man... worth admiring and emulating. If an ordinary citizen of my country – who had no one around him to pull strings for him... who had everything against him as far as status in Society was concerned... who had  to maneuver his way - all the way to top - through a galaxy of stalwarts in his own party and an endless line-up of hawks from outside his party... yes, if the boy who sold tea near a railway station could rise to become the ruler of my country, then, I call this land - my country - a true democracy...

For a democracy to thrive, its people should hope, believe in their true potentials... They must know who they really are... Yes, like Narendra Modi did...

One day, on his way to the farm, a farmer found an abandoned eagle's nest. He saw in it an egg still warm. He took the egg to his farm and laid it in the nest of one of his hens. Soon, the egg hatched and the baby eagle began to grow up along with the other chickens. All though the day, just as little chickens around it did, the little eagle pecked about the farmyard, scrabbling for grain. This way, it spent its whole life within the yard... never even, for once, looking up unto the skies.

Then, one day, when it was very old, it lifted up its head and saw high up in the skies a breath-taking sight... A mighty bird was soaring with great power and grace, up there...

“Who is he?” the old-and-tired eagle – who did not know who really he was – asked and elderly hen.

“He is Eagle,” explained the wise-old hen, “the king of all birds, the one who rules the skies.”

“I wish I were born like him,” said the eagle-among-the-chickens,” I wish I could soar like an eagle!”

The legend has it that the wise-old hen, that day, had yelled, angrily: “Brother, you ‘are’ an Eagle, and you ‘are’ born to soar... Go, fly!”

If only, each one of us, here on this land, knew who we, really, were!



Jyoti Raman said…
Inspiring story and it is beautifully woven in this context... Jyoti Raman

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