Pic.: Nishant Joshi

I have written many times before on Sir Richard Attenborough. But, invariably, those writings have revolved around two great movies he was associated with: ‘Gandhi’ and “Jurassic Park

‘GANDHI’. Well, Sir Attenborough conceived, produced and directed this remarkable movie. I was 24 when I first watched this classic. What inspired me the most about Sir Attenborough was the fact that he had been longing to make this movie for two long-decades, which meant ever since I was a little boy of four! So obsessed he was to create this epic – rather narrate to the world, on the silver screen, the story of his hero – that, he ran from pillar to post, knocked every possible door, got rejected and dejected as any mortal would, and still refused to give up on his dream... He kept creating and recreating the movie in his mind for twenty long-years, till, finally, he saw it manifest in 1982!

I still admire Sir Attenborough for this reason the most. He believed in his dream, believed that it could become a reality, one day... He remained faithful to his heart, kept knocking every possible door, remained determined and persistent, and, above all, he remained focused and committed, all through...

To me, as a young boy, with my own little dreams in my heart, it was a very important source of inspiration... Yes, Mahatma Gandhi was my hero, too. So, when I watched the movie – countless times that is – I was doubly inspired!

There are so many brilliant scenes in Sir Attenborough’s movie, that, I, often, watch on YouTube just those scenes for inspiration... One of them is this:

This was South Africa. Gandhi’s initial days of Satyagraha. The young-man walking with young Gandhi was a Christian priest. He had heard about Gandhi’s unique non-violent struggle against injustice and oppression... Importantly, he had learnt that Gandhi was hugely influenced by Christ’s life and teachings... So, here he had come to meet his hero... and, look, how well Attenborough has captured the drama called fear and courage, love and hatred... How well he has shown why love alone has to triumph, in the end!

I am a Christian, too. This scene shall, always, keep me humble!

JURASSIC PARK’. Sir Attenborough had just acted in this amazing action-movie produced and directed by one of the most admired movie makers, Steven Spielberg. Now, Spielberg was a very passionate creator of movies. He, always, stretched himself to greater limits to give a real movie-experience for his viewers. He, too, believed in following his heart and produced movies that stood out tall... ‘Jurassic Park’ had plenty of scenes to keep us on the edge of our seats, which shall remain forever etched in our minds.

But, of all the scenes, the scene I shall cherish for ever is this:

Sir Attenborough had played the role of the creator of this one-of-a-kind theme park called ‘Jurassic Park’. He had invested his entire life in it... So passionately and so dedicatedly he had built it over so many years... It was his life, his mission, his pride, his everything...

And, then, it all ends in a very sad manner: the dinosaurs, your own creations, destroy, mercilessly, all that you have built... Your years and years of work is all gone in a few ruthless moments... Now, all that you want to do is run... and save your life... Leave back everything and go, run...  Yes, that’s all!

Every time I watch, in that final scene, Sir Attenborough staying back, for one moment, to look back at his crumbling world, my heart stops!

At 90, the grand-old-man of amazing cinema, Sir Richard Attenborough, passes away. He had started acting at the age of 19... Which means, more than seven decades he lived in the celluloid world!

But, unlike in that last scene of ‘Jurassic Park’, he has gone leaving behind a very, very rich world... His legacy...

Thank-you sir for inspiring.


Videos: YouTube


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