Pic.: Sheela Krishnamony
does not mean that you don’t own anything;
It means
that nothing owns you.”
- Anonymous
A week
ago, one night, I had just returned home after a wedding reception. The food
was kingly - varieties galore… starters, mock-tails and cocktails, main course
of different regions, deserts of different kinds… even a dozen different mouth-fresheners…
Liquor flew down like a waterfall… and, when we left the venue, a lovely memento
was placed in our hands, too!
Yes, like other guests over
there, I, too, came back, making the most of what was laid before me…
But, by the time I walked into my
house, I was hungry again!
Now, it was really strange! I had
helped myself with so much of variety, that I should have not touched food for
another week! But, here was my condition: I was feeling hungry even before I
was home!
was Maha Shiv Ratri. So many people had observed fast. Some of my friends and
neighbors had sent me thandai and
different varieties of ‘Prasad’... which
was quite tempting. I had just finished my lunch. So, I was asking, again: “Should
I have this, too?”
Well, I didn't.
“Prasad is not to fill your stomach,” a voice was telling me inside,
“It is just to teach you humility, acceptance and gratitude.”
“So be it,” I said, and received it
with in my heart. I could feel the fullness, instantly!
experience seems so familiar!
So often, the best of the best
clothes still don’t give us a feeling of self-confidence… The same goes for our
accessories, cars, holidays and travels… The big houses and their big
interiors, big screens and fine dines… all these, often, still leave us with
hunger, an half-stomach-experience…
How strange… a hunger – an half-stomach experience
– even after a kingly meal!
I remember, my first Yoga teacher
telling us to eat consciously, slowly, what is ‘needed’ and never to a full stomach…
“Always, leave your stomach a little hungry at the end of your meal,” he would
remind us.
Honestly, I did not understand,
then, the power hidden in that conscious choice we were asked to make – ‘Leave
your stomach a little hungry at the end of your meal!”
Ironically, whenever I have made
this conscious choice, I haven’t experienced the ‘halfness’ or ‘deprivation’ in
my heart. But, whenever I have indulged just because ‘it was there before me’…
yes, I have experienced it acutely.
Life ‘lays’ everything before me with
only two options: Indulge, yet starve. Or, leave a little hungry, yet feel full!
As the old saying goes, food,
money, clothes, houses, cars, and everything else in life… serve us best as our
servants, but rule badly as our masters!