day is a ‘Thanksgiving Day'!
I have never
waited for a Sunday mass to thank God. A Sunday or a Monday… it makes no
difference, if I do not have the Lord in my heart… And, the only prayer that
invites the Lord home – my heart – is my profound gratitude!
The beautiful
story of Shabari, from the Ramayana, is one of the finest examples. If our
hearts are pure and filled with gratitude, if we keep showing our trust and devotion
to the Lord, then, no matter what the world thinks about our status in the society
– how it judges us and treats us – the Lord will surely surprise us by coming
to our homes… eat with us… stay with us!
Shabari was an
outcast woman in the eyes of the self-proclaimed ‘pure souls’. But, she kept
collecting the sweet berries from the jungle and offered to Lord Ram in cups
made of leaves, with the unflagging hope, that He would come to her humble hut
and accept them…
And, Lord Ram
did. Not only did He surprise this frail poor devotee, He ‘shook’ hard the hardcore
… the self-righteous fanatics!
is a similar story in the New Testament. Zacchaeus lived in Jericho, who was
chief of the Publicans. In those times, the Publicans were looked down upon by
the self-righteous Pharisees, who assumed, that worship and God’s blessings
were their exclusive privileges…
So, one day,
when Zacchaeus heard, that Jesus was passing by their town, he wanted to have a
glimpse of the Master. But, being a short man, he wouldn’t be able to get his
eyes on Jesus in the vast crowd. Thus, he climbed on top of a roadside sycamore
tree and waited for the Master to come. When Jesus reached near the tree, He
saw a short man on the tree and shouted, “Zacchaeus, come down at once; for,
today, I must stop at your house”!
All that
Zacchaeus had hoped to receive from the Lord was just a ‘glimpse’… And, look,
what he ended up receiving!”
me, that’s what prayer and devotion mean… That’s who the Lord is… That’s what
the ‘Thanksgiving Day’ means…
And, yes, that’s
also why I should do fasting and repentance: to delay my gratification, but,
not my gratitude!
Therefore, let
me not wait till Sunday 5 p.m. to say “Thank you” …
Let me do it
now, right now!
Video: On Demand News