same wind that blows down your house
berries from the bushes.”
watchful about the effect of people and the information on your mind,” I heard
this speaker telling his audience, “Some people you interact with and some
information you consume can drain your energy and pull you down in life.”
There are
people who drain our energy, and they do pull us down. And, these people
need not necessarily be ‘outsiders’; often, they are ‘insiders’ – what we call
the ‘significant people’ in our lives.
Thus, cutting
off these people from our lives can be a difficult task. Yet, we need to find
out ways to work around them, so that their negativity doesn’t leave us drained
and drag us down in life.
Easier said than
done… I know. But, experience does teach us, that, in Life, some ‘crap’, we can
cut; some, we can only shield ourselves from… Let the crap be!
When it comes to
information, it’s relatively easier to cut the crap. After all, we all have the
choice on what content to read or listen, what to watch, believe, follow or
spread. We all can sense the effect this information – this content – is having
on our mind. Through this sensor, we can choose what information to let into
our minds, and what not to.
The negativity
is toxic… Be it coming from people around us or the content we consume every
day. No matter how hard we may try to live in a world surrounded by ‘positive
people’ and consume ‘positive content’, the world will not be free from
negative ones. Let’s learn to say, “Let the world be.” And, as Marci Ridlom
reminds us, “The same wind that blows down your house shakes berries from
the bushes.”
The trick, therefore, is to pick the berries when the wind shakes the bushes…
Pic.: Pixels
Video: Ginger Cat