Is it important for parents to tell their children – little-ones or young-ones - where they (parents) go and when they will be back home?

What about the children? Is it important for them to tell their parents where they go and when they will be back home?

I am a parent – a father of a young son. Let’s assume, as I am his father, I did not think it was important at all to tell my son, and he always saw me leaving home without telling where I went or when I would be back – how would he think it is important for him to do it every time he left home?

Now, normally, people at my home know where I am headed – my workplace. But, if, during the day, I have a different agenda, a different destination to visit, then, I think it is important I let them know about it… The idea is: we never know what may happen to us outside - when, where and how!

So, I emphasize: It ‘is’ important for me as a father to let my young son know, where I will be during my day… and, when I will be home. Similarly, it ‘is’ important for me to let my wife know about it, too…

It is not only important… It is a ‘must’!

Imagine, therefore, this: if my son had seen me doing this right since his baby days, won’t it be but natural to him to ape me?

Won’t my son, too, declare like me: “It is not only important, but it is, also, a ‘must’?

I, sincerely, think, he will.

Children, most certainly, learn by example. And, home is the place they get to see a hell lot of examples… and, thereby, to learn a hell lot of things!

Today is a Public holiday around. Children have no school or college… and, parents have no office. They are at home… It is a holiday.

A young student had come to learn a particular chapter from me, today. It would take at least two hours to complete that. She is a bright student and she comes from a fine home. As she isn’t my regular student, and as this was not her regular routine or destination, I asked her, “At what time, you should be back home?”

“No time in particular,” the young-one told me.

“Have you told your parents that you were coming here?” I asked.

“No sir,” she said, “I just said, I am going!”

I gave a stern look at this young-lady and said, “Do you think it is important to tell them or not?”

She got the message: “Yes, sir, it is; I should have informed them.”

Well, this girl and her parents are just like any of us… And, though I have started off with my own example as a parent or a husband, it doesn’t always happen so: Sometimes, we do leave home without telling - where, when, and why!

Yes, as a parent or husband, if I do that once in a while, probably, I am being human, a mortal.

But, if I do it always, every time – if I think that telling my loved ones where I am going and when I will be back not important at all – then, I am being mean, insensitive… irresponsible.

Life is, always, kind us… so kind that we, always, take it for granted…

But, deep down, I do know this: 

We never know what can happen to us outside –

 when, where and how!

“Tell at home where you are going and when you will be back, okay?” I had reminded the young-one when she left my place, today.

Or, was she reminding me?


Pic.: Yojana Singh


Sushma Shenoy said…
Thoughtful and touching! Sushma
Anonymous said…
A very ordinary incident in an extraordinary story-telling! Good job.
- Kalpesh
Kripa Shinde said…
Touching and humbling. Kripa
Ajay said…
really good advice and example sir on one of the many aspects of good parenting...Ajay Maheshwari

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