Pic.: Malabika Ganguly
So often, I catch myself praying: “O God, may my enemy die
Well, God understands why I want my enemy to
go soon: So that my problems, pain and suffering – my hell – can go with him!
Anybody who tortures me unreasonably and relentlessly
is my enemy. Because I want to be free from pain and suffering, I want my enemy
to go, die soon…
And, God understands my feelings… I reason
But, interestingly, God does exactly the
opposite… He lets my enemy live long and strong… so that I can experience ‘hell’
a lot longer before I myself go, I myself die…
So, all my enemies are going great guns… It
seems, the shorter the life I wish for them, the longer the life they get!
So, someone has advised me to do the
opposite… Pray: “O God, may my enemy live long!”
This seems to be working…
The longer the life I wish for them, the
shorter the life they get!
What a trick! How strange God’s ways are!
Well, let me be serious…
People who torture me unreasonably and
relentlessly do exist in my life… and, the pain and suffering is a truth, a
reality. I am desiring to see my pain and suffering go is, also, a truth… I am
praying for God’s help is the truth, again…
I am angry with my tormentor?
I am wishing for their destruction?
Yes, all this is going on in my mind… all
this is a reality. It is truth.
But, when the smoke settles and the screen
is clear, what hits me as a greater truth is this: My enemy, my tormentor has
come in my life to make me a finer, wiser and stronger human being. A lot
humbler, a lot compassionate…
Trust me, this is a greater truth… The
longer my enemy lives, the better it is for me…
Thus, I pray, today, this:
“O God, blessed be my enemy.”
Will this prayer reach God? … I don’t know…
But, I know for sure, that it will reach my
The hell will end… The hell ‘will’ end!