Pic.: Manjeet Singh Kukreja
ritual has significance, a meaning. But, most of the times, we just perform the
rituals mechanically. Whether we are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs or whoever,
we do tend to follow many of our rituals blindly.
Late last night, I had
joined many of our Society members for Holi
Dahan – the Holi bonfire. Men and
women, the old and the young were gracefully going around the bonfire… As I was
going around the fire along with them, a thought passed through me: “What must
I pray in my heart as I take each trip around the Holi fire?”
The answer was right
there waiting… The faces of some of my tormentors flashed through my mind… the
hurt, the pain, the anger… the fear and the helplessness… Yes, all these began
to well-up inside… And, my heart was prompting me to pray: “Cast your hurt,
pain, anger, fear and helplessness in the Holi bonfire… Do it now, do it fully,
willingly and unconditionally.”
I did it, instantly!
It was a powerful
experience... very, very liberating!
Honestly, when I joined
my fellow-members in the Holi ritual, I had no idea what and why I was doing it…
I had joined them mechanically! But, then, there was this surprise in waiting –
a strong prompting from within, a question: “What must I pray in my heart as I take each
trip around the Holi fire?”
I am glad, that I had
joined other celebrants… I am glad, that I could find a personal meaning in the
ritual of going around Holi bonfire…
Hope, you too were in
touch with your personal prayer, last night. Hope, your life will be blessed
with vibrant colors.