Do we have to agree with everything everyone says every time?
The ‘everyone’ may be my best friend, parents, teachers, authorities and the government?

My son is 27 and I am 61. When he was a baby, yes, he agreed with whatever I tried to teach him or convey… It’s no more so, now. And, that’s how it should be… I, seriously, think so.

The movies, music, icons, leaders and philosophy that I love, my son may not… my wife may not. But, we are not enemies, we are not each other’s conspirators. In fact, I wonder, at times, if my son and wife had agreed with everything I believed in and every time… what kind of mind theirs would have been!

Herd mentality… Just think about it!

For thirty years, The Dawn Club has been helping young ones and little ones to speak and debate in public. Our senior Sir, Mr. Ramakrishnan, would, often, use the phrase – ‘The Parliamentarian Language’… to convey to us all, that we should be civil, gentle, graceful and, yet, forceful in our arguments.

Things are getting uglier and meaner as the years roll by… The Parliaments – and I am not just referring to ours – are no more the once hailed ‘sanctum sanctorum’. Little kids and our young ones – and, most importantly, we the parents – watch our leaders and news anchors and think that’s how we should argue – show our disagreements – in the modern days…

The ‘Primetime debates’, they call it… Oh no… For God’s sake, that’s not the art of debate our young ones should inculcate… That’s not the way they should put forth their disagreements!

“Lose an argument, but, don’t lose a customer,” this has been an old-and-tested sales philosophy. I think, this philosophy is not just confined to sales. It applies everywhere… from Parliaments, TV Channels to our drawing rooms, Sir…

More and more people have started believing that ‘name-calling’, like, “He is a Chor”, “Pappu”, “Feku” and all such colourful descriptions as the Brahmastras of debate…

If alone, someone had tutored them on Graham’s theory – ‘The Hierarchy of Disagreement’!

The ‘Pappu’ and the ‘Feku’… yes, this kind of weaponry is used in the lowest form, according to Graham’s theory… ‘Name calling’, he calls it. Unfortunately, this form is a norm now… No logic needed, no substance… Just snub. Just go for the kill as you open your mouth!

If you argue with a young boy or a girl, who has decided to hold the placard for saving the green lungs of Mumbai -  the Aarey forests -  with the question, “Where were you when they destroyed forests to build the Film City?”, how do you want the young one to reply… Yes, ‘Don’t ask me that… For, I wasn’t born then’!”

“Where were you when the Delhi riots happened?” Or, “Where were you when the Gujarat riots happened?”  If you ask a young one, when he or she argues with you about present situation in Kashmir… Yes, how do you expect them to answer you?

That’s why Nehru comes alive again, and again and again, even after so many decades!

It is the way to distract… and, such arguments lead nowhere!

It’s time we enrolled in the old school of debates… It’s okay if my son, wife, students, friends, neighbours, associates and others hold a different placard. Making space for their views makes me ‘large-hearted’ and ‘broad-minded’…

Alas! Many of us have not realized, how badly we have brought ourselves to the lowest ranks of the hawaldars of ‘Troll Army’… How sadly, we have joined the ‘Herd’!


Pic.: 1. Aarey Conservation Group 2. Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement

Videos: 1. Mirror Now   2. Republic World


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