“The most curious offspring of shame 
is shyness.”

Sydney Smith

“Music is the same, the laughter is not.” This's how I reacted when I first watched this video. Let’s watch it again…

The bunch of these l’le kids are in their music class… The music teacher plays the same playful music… Yes, on same strings, with same variation of speed. But, look at the way these kids react to it so differently! Undoubtedly, the l’le champ at the center gets all the eyeballs… Unmistakably, his reaction is just priceless, just infectious!

What about other kids around him? Look at each one… And, each one of them has his/her unique response.

Now, let’s imagine ourselves as those kids, in the same music class. Or, imagine our kids in their place. Let’s get in touch with our own reactions: Would we all want ourselves, or our kids, to be like the boy in the spotlight?

Every time, someone, out there, hogs all the spotlight, many of us wish ourselves or our kids to be there - dance like him, sing like him, speak like him, play like him, score like him… win hearts like him. Yes, that’s our story… That’s what this video, to me, symbolizes. Invariably all of us are fixated on the kid at the centerstage… and, other kids seem to be eclipsed, completely…

Fast forward… Many years have gone by and the kids have grown up now. I am curious to know how they are doing… especially in music? I am curious to know about the shy kid behind, who was hiding his face, a bit embarrassed… I am curious to know about others, too, who were ‘slow and moderate’ in their reaction, their laughter… Has any of them become a fine musician, a songwriter, a poet, an actor, a composer, a film director, a sports person, a speaker or fine whatever… Oh yes, I am curious to know about the boy in the spotlight – what happened to him?

Most certainly, each of them will be someone somewhere in life… regardless of whether he/she was a shining Sun or a hiding Moon in the Music teacher’s class… The Sun and the Moon, both, do have a perfect place in God’s plan… Don’t they?

So, while we feel happy watching this kid at the center, let’s not be sad about other kids… All is as per the plan, and all will be!

Today is Father’s Day. My dad, who barely had any schooling and earned living as a mechanic in a local garage, and who drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney – yes, despite these ‘flaws’ – was a loving father. He was a gifted singer and a performer. Singing came to him naturally and he sang anywhere and everywhere, absolutely with no inhibitions or stage fear… Yes, he was a born extrovert. But, as a l’le kid, every time he went into his singing element, of course powered by booze, I would run into my hiding… I would press hard my palms on my ears and eyes… in embarrassment!

I grew up to be a shy boy – a complete introvert. I dreaded stage and spotlight… As a result, I never sang, danced, played, spoke, acted whatever that one did in public…

Was my dad responsible for this?

So many things have come to me from my dad… and so many things haven’t. But, that was the only dad Life could offer me; and, looking back, I say - “He’s the best dad!”

Dad had to travel his road and I have to travel mine… My son has his own to do…

Such is the beauty of Life… Such is the laughter!

A Happy Father’s Day…



Videos: 1. Sara Shonfeld Musical Minds 2. AGT/Josey Miras


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