Only by examining our personal biases can we grow as artists; Only by cultivating empathy can we grow as people.” Jen Knox W e all have compassion in our hearts. When I put myself in other people’s shoes - feel and understand their pain – yes, this kind of compassionate feeling is known as ‘empathy’. But, the kind of empathy, which most of us display in our lives is only selective. If you are not on my side of the divide, then, your pain doesn’t ache me… My heart doesn’t care. Why? Because, you are not on my side. So, I don’t cry for justice for you… I don’t think, you have been harmed… and, worse, I even find a sadistic pleasure seeing you suffer. On the other hand, if you are on my side of the divide, even the mildest pain to you can cause a turmoil in me; I am ready to pick up the flag… for you … against those who have harmed you… This is the kind of empathy that is rampant today… It’s ‘Selective Empathy’, not ‘Universal Empathy’! Let’s be honest on these ...